WebGL Panorama
Easy-to-use jQuery plugin to display cube map panoramas on a HTML canvas object using WebGL. ...
Sep 14, 2014 4996 views 0 votes
Easy-to-use jQuery plugin to display cube map panoramas on a HTML canvas object using WebGL. ...
Sep 03, 2014 7255 views 1 votes
GoogleMaps is a Query plugin wrapper around GoogleMaps API for easier use of GoogleMaps on web sites and back-end web pages ...
Aug 26, 2014 5079 views 1 votes
Static Google Maps is a very simple jQuery plugin for generating url for static google map and url for live map ...
Aug 08, 2014 6135 views 0 votes
smallworld.js is a utility for generating map overviews using GeoJSON and HTML Canvas. It was created out of a need to render simple map previews, quickly and efficiently, without strict Terms of Use and without heavy client libraries. ...
Jun 27, 2014 7163 views 2 votes
Epoch is a general purpose real-time charting library for building beautiful, smooth, and high performance visualizations. ...
Jun 25, 2014 3528 views 0 votes
gridscrolling.js is a layout for HTML5 articles, positioning sections and asides in a grid, allowing easy navigation with cursor keys. ...
Jun 20, 2014 7364 views 1 votes
Storymap is a jQuery-plugin to create a map that follows your text. Annotate each paragraph and place a map alongside it. Then you can zoom/pan/add marker etc to the map as the reader reads through the text. ...
May 27, 2014 3765 views 0 votes
emloSlightBox is super Lightbox with slices and a lot of configuration. It's an improved version of the popular Lightbox. It can effectively open images, HTML content, maps, movies and even more. ...
May 22, 2014 3509 views 1 votes
ClassyLightbox is a plugin that can be used for displaying images, HTML content, maps, and videos in a lightbox style that floats as an overlay on the web page. ...
Apr 09, 2014 6425 views 0 votes
The Google Map version 3 plugin for jQuery and jQM takes away some of the head aches from working with the Google Map API. Instead of having to use Google event listeners for simple events like click. ...