popupMgr - Create a popup box
popupMgr creates a popup box that can be loaded at anytime from any element. It ensures that only one instance of each type of box is loaded at any time. ...
Jun 06, 2014 3725 views 0 votes
popupMgr creates a popup box that can be loaded at anytime from any element. It ensures that only one instance of each type of box is loaded at any time. ...
Jun 03, 2014 5433 views 2 votes
popModal is a jquery plugin for showing tooltips, titles, modal dialogs and etc ...
May 27, 2014 9022 views 2 votes
jBox is a powerful and flexible jQuery plugin, taking care of all your modal windows, tooltips, notices and more. ...
May 26, 2014 6879 views 3 votes
Amaran JS is a jQuery notification plugin to display website messages in animated and highly customizable flyout notification boxes. It sets with postions, effects, Themes. ...
May 23, 2014 3698 views 0 votes
ClassyNotty is a plugin that enables your application to display unobtrusive, beautiful and elegant notifications. ...
May 21, 2014 3730 views 0 votes
Perfect Tooltip is a simple and smart jQuery tooltip plugin that creates a simple tooltip on any html element, convert a "data-title" or a "title" attribute ...
May 08, 2014 3357 views 0 votes
miniTip is an ultra lightweight jQuery plugin that creates highly customizable tooltips without all of the fluff. ...
May 08, 2014 3638 views 0 votes
Gdakram is a JQuery tooltip plugin that easily adds tooltip interaction to HTML element that requires a bit more information than a title attribute ...
May 06, 2014 5324 views 2 votes
iPicture² is an evolution of free iPicture jQuery Plugin. iPicture² creates interactive pictures with extra descriptions, embedded video, links or everything else using javascript and css3. ...
Apr 30, 2014 3705 views 1 votes
offscreen.js is a jquery plugin that detects if an element (tooltip) falls of the right/left side of your screen/viewport ...