Power List menu
Power List Menu is a mobile centric, mult-level menu that magically transforms a nested UL into a series of slide-in panels that occupy no more space than the top level UL itself. ...
Mar 11, 2015 6235 views 0 votes
Power List Menu is a mobile centric, mult-level menu that magically transforms a nested UL into a series of slide-in panels that occupy no more space than the top level UL itself. ...
Oct 30, 2014 12389 views 8 votes
Slider Pro is a modular, responsive and touch-enabled jQuery slider plugin that enables you to create elegant and professionally looking sliders. ...
Oct 30, 2014 15919 views 7 votes
jScroll is a jQuery plugin for infinite scrolling, the new content can be loaded automatically each time you scroll to the end of the existing content. ...
Oct 27, 2014 5488 views 2 votes
bLazy is a lightweight lazy loading and multi-serving image script. It's written in JavaScript why it doesn't have any dependencies for 3rd party libraries like jQuery. ...
Oct 19, 2014 6064 views 0 votes
lazySizes is the ultimate and lightweight lazyLoader which lazy loads images (including responsive images (picture/srcset)), iframes and scripts. ...
Jul 18, 2014 3762 views 0 votes
ezContentSlider is a full-featured slider / fader with a carousel for thumbnails (or smaller), as well as a full-screen mode for when you want maximum visual impact. ...
Jun 06, 2014 6021 views 2 votes
Lazy load XT is a jQuery plugin for images, videos and other media. ...
May 17, 2014 4089 views 2 votes
anoSlide is ultra lightweight responsive jQuery carousel plugin. It's suitable for implementing a carousel for both desktop and mobile viewports. ...
Apr 14, 2014 3524 views 2 votes
μslider is the jQuery content slider and it has the "swipe touch" support for mobile/touch devices! It's very easy to use because it has a few essential options that can be configured straightforwardly. ...
Apr 13, 2014 3508 views 0 votes
BttrLazyLoading is a Jquery plugin that allows your web application to only load images within the viewport. It also allows you to have different version of an image for 4 different screen sizes. ...