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lazySizes - High performance lazy loader for images

lazySizes - High performance lazy loader for images

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lazysizes is a fast (jankfree) lazyloader for images (including responsive images), iframes and scripts/widgets without any dependency. It may become also your number one tool to integrate responsive images. Due to the fact that it can also automatically calculate the sizes attribute for your responsive images, it helps to seperate layout (CSS) from content/structure (HTML) and makes integrating responsive images into any enviroment simply simple.


What makes lazysizes so awesome:

lazysizes is different than other lazy image loaders.

  1. Works without any configuration: The script detects any changes to the visibility of an image/iframe automatically no matter whether it becomes visible through a user scroll, an CSS animation triggered through :hover or through any kind of JS behavior (carousel, infinite scroll, AJAX)...
  2. Futureproof: It directly includes standard responsive image support (picture and srcset)
  3. Seperation of concerns: For responsive image support it adds an automatic sizes calculation feature.
  4. Performance: It's based on high efficient code (runtime and memory) to work jankfree at 60fps.
  5. Works together with low quality image placeholders patterns.


Browser Support

lazysizes supports the following browsers: IE9+, Firefox 21+, Chrome 27+, Safari 6.1+, iOS Safari 7.0+, Android 4.1+


Source: afarkas.github.io

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