bLazy - A lazy loading and multi-serving image script
bLazy is a lightweight lazy loading and multi-serving image script. It's written in JavaScript why it doesn't have any dependencies for 3rd party libraries like jQuery. ...
Oct 27, 2014 5489 views 2 votes
bLazy is a lightweight lazy loading and multi-serving image script. It's written in JavaScript why it doesn't have any dependencies for 3rd party libraries like jQuery. ...
Oct 19, 2014 6065 views 0 votes
lazySizes is the ultimate and lightweight lazyLoader which lazy loads images (including responsive images (picture/srcset)), iframes and scripts. ...
Aug 04, 2014 6808 views 4 votes
baguetteBox.js - Simple and easy to use lightbox script in pure JavaScript ...
May 22, 2014 3396 views 0 votes
Mimeo is a jQuery plugin for responsive images. Part of the Formstone Library. ...
May 16, 2014 3423 views 0 votes
resonsive-img.js is a lightweight plugin for fast, clean and easy responsive image replacement using to the viewport your visitor's browser. This way you can reduce the payload for your users by only letting them download the appropriate images. ...