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Power List menu

Power List menu

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Power List Menu is a mobile centric,  mult-level menu that magically transforms  a nested UL into a series of slide-in panels that occupy no more space than the top level UL itself. It's ideal on mobile devices where the playground for drop down or flyout menus is limited. Click on a header, and the corresponding sub UL slides into view over the parent UL. The menu's width can be responsive as well, supporting a percentage value.  What adds "power" to this menu is its Ajax and "lazy loading" functionality:

  • The initial contents of the menu can be defined either inline on the page or inside an external file and fetched via Ajax

  • A child menu can be undefined initially, with its contents only fetched on demand when a corresponding header is clicked on ("lazy loading" child menu).

  • A parent menu can also be undefined initially, with its contents only fetched on demand when a corresponding reverse "breadcrumb" link is clicked on ("lazy loading" parent menu).

The lazy loading functionality means you can break a large UL menu into branches that are only downloaded when that part of the menu is requested, decreasing menu download time and saving on bandwidth to boot. Dynamically loaded lazy menus can themselves link to another lazy menu, creating an endless chain of menus loaded all on demand.

The menu works across all major browsers and platforms, including IE8+ and mobile browsers of course.

Source: dynamicdrive.com

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