ggtooltip.js - A jQuery Tooltip Plugin
ggtooltip.js is a simple jQuery tooltip plugin extended from Twitter Bootstrap's tooltip plugin that support 4 positions, background color, font color and border color without using images. ...
Mar 09, 2015 4793 views 0 votes
ggtooltip.js is a simple jQuery tooltip plugin extended from Twitter Bootstrap's tooltip plugin that support 4 positions, background color, font color and border color without using images. ...
Dec 04, 2014 5836 views 1 votes
Tipso is a Lightweight Responsive jQuery Tooltip Plugin ...
May 08, 2014 3354 views 0 votes
miniTip is an ultra lightweight jQuery plugin that creates highly customizable tooltips without all of the fluff. ...
May 08, 2014 3635 views 0 votes
Gdakram is a JQuery tooltip plugin that easily adds tooltip interaction to HTML element that requires a bit more information than a title attribute ...
Mar 13, 2014 3512 views 0 votes
It converts the title attributes of elements within your page, into a series of colorful tooltips. ...
Mar 13, 2014 3663 views 1 votes
BeautyTips is a jQuery plugin which draws tooltips in realtime using the canvas element. Every tooltip, by default is displayed at the side of an element where there is more space. But the position can also be forced ...
Mar 12, 2014 4379 views 0 votes
Joyride is a plugin for jQuery that simplifies the process of guiding users to discover the features of a website. By defining the steps of the tour as an ordered list, the plugin displays desired information near any HTML element inside tooltips. ...
Mar 11, 2014 7085 views 0 votes
Poshy Tip jQuery Plugin is a tooltip plugin that allows easily creating stylish tooltips. With Poshy Tip you can position the tips relative to the mouse cursor or to the target element and align them in every possible way horizontally and vertically. ...
Mar 08, 2014 3274 views 0 votes
ChillTip is a remarkable flexible tooltip plugin that allows you to implement the tips in a number of different ways. It can be used with span, img, anchor attributes and “pretty much anything else that uses the title attribute. ...
Mar 08, 2014 3205 views 0 votes
aToolTip allows you to have a tooltip that constantly moves with your cursor or stays put over its partner item. It has hover or click options, is under 4kb and has callback functions. ...