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Tag Archives: line

Plottable.js - Creating interactive charts within a grid layout.

Plottable.js - Creating interactive charts within a grid layout.

Plottable.js is a library for easily creating flexible, interactive, and performant charts for the web. It is built on top of D3 and provides higher-level pieces, like plots, gridlines, and axes. As such, it's easier to quickly build charts ...

Responsive Vertical News Slider

Responsive Vertical News Slider

Vertical News Slider is a jQuery and CSS3-based slider module that displays news headlines on the left along with a preview image and brief description on the right. ...



The Timeline drop can have many different purposes. From explaining history and chronological events like process or history. The timeline features a beautiful CSS transition that is triggered by the user’s scroll. ...

Columns - Search, sort, and paginate your JSON data

Columns - Search, sort, and paginate your JSON data

Columns is an easy way of creating JSON data into HTML tables that are sortable, searchable, and paginating. All you need is to provide the data, and Columns will do the rest. ...

weekLine - jQuery week day picker plugin

weekLine - jQuery week day picker plugin

WeekLine is a light jQuery plugin for selecting days of a week. It can be particularly helpful for entering weekly schedules, such as cinema movie and theatrical play times, as well as for scheduling weekly league games... ...

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