User Rating: 4.5/5 ( 2 votes)
Plottable.js is a library for easily creating flexible, interactive, and performant charts for the web. It is built on top of D3 and provides higher-level pieces, like plots, gridlines, and axes. As such, it's easier to quickly build charts
Plottable consists of three main pieces:
A grid-based layout engine which handles positioning, sizing, and alignment of components
"Components", such as LinePlot or Axis, which process data and can be connected to d3 Scales
"Interactions", such as PanZoomInteraction or AreaInteraction, which easily allow for custom logic to be bound to common interaction patterns
By virtue of being higher-level than D3, it is often much easier to create charts in Plottable.js, with less of a learning curve. Plottable's Plots provide a convenient API for encapsulating, sharing and reusing D3 visualizations.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../plottable.css" />
<script src="" charset="utf-8"></script>
<script src="../plottable.js"></script>
<svg id="basicChart" width="640" height="480"/>
var xyData = [
{"x": 0, "y": 1},
{"x": 0.11865740740740742, "y": 2},
{"x": 0.11887731481481482, "y": 3},
{"x": 1.1845949074074074, "y": 4},
{"x": 1.2361342592592592, "y": 5},
{"x": 1.2718402777777778, "y": 6},
{"x": 4.949074074074074, "y": 7},
{"x": 4.975763888888889, "y": 8},
{"x": 4.981296296296296, "y": 9},
{"x": 4.984826388888888, "y": 10},
{"x": 4.989039351851852, "y": 11},
{"x": 4.989537037037037, "y": 12},
{"x": 4.990486111111111, "y": 13},
{"x": 5.005173611111111, "y": 14}
function makeBasicChart() {
// These scales are Plottable wrappers for a d3.scale object.
// Like D3 scales, they manage a mapping from data to visual properties; pixel positions in this case
// Unlike D3 scales, they automatically set their domain and range, and have event handling to update dependent components on changes
var xScale = new Plottable.Scale.Linear();
var yScale = new Plottable.Scale.Linear();
// The Axes and LinePlot are all Components, meaning they take up visual space and are placed by the layout engine
var xAxis = new Plottable.Axis.Numeric(xScale, "bottom");
var yAxis = new Plottable.Axis.Numeric(yScale, "left");
var renderer = new Plottable.Plot.Line(xyData, xScale, yScale);
// Now we'll make a Table to organize the layout of the components. The first row will have a yAxis and renderer; the second will
// only have the xAxis, and it will be aligned to the column of the renderer.
// The yAxis is fixed-width and the xAxis is fixed-height, so the renderer will naturally expand to take up all free space
var chart = new Plottable.Component.Table([
[yAxis, renderer],
[null, xAxis ]
window.onload = makeBasicChart;
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