This tutorial is about to creating a captcha same as recaptcha. Create your own recaptcha style captcha with PHP and jQuery. ...
Mar 10, 2014 11100 views 3 votes
This tutorial is about to creating a captcha same as recaptcha. Create your own recaptcha style captcha with PHP and jQuery. ...
Mar 10, 2014 7564 views 2 votes
This is an easy-to-use, simple and intuitive captcha system. It needs human action instead of to read a hard text and it is a very lightweight jQuery plugin. ...
Mar 10, 2014 5343 views 2 votes
Setup a working AJAX Captcha in minutes. Integrated it with jQuery Validate plugin with a remote ajax request to check if the captcha is correct. ...
Mar 10, 2014 4348 views 7 votes
The Star Rating Plugin is a plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that creates a non-obstrusive star rating control based on a set of radio input boxes. ...
Mar 10, 2014 8203 views 53 votes
jQuery Raty is a plugin that generates a customizable star rating. ...
Mar 10, 2014 4610 views 10 votes
This is a jQuery plugin for star rating systems. The initial inspiration for this script came from Wil Stuckey’s star rating system. ...
Mar 10, 2014 5572 views 21 votes
It is a very flexible jQuery plugin for quickly creating an AJAX star rating system. It is possible to configure every detail from” the number of the stars” to “if the stars can represent decimals or not” ...
Mar 08, 2014 3274 views 0 votes
ChillTip is a remarkable flexible tooltip plugin that allows you to implement the tips in a number of different ways. It can be used with span, img, anchor attributes and “pretty much anything else that uses the title attribute. ...
Mar 08, 2014 3307 views 0 votes
jQuery Scrollbars is an extremely simple script allowing you, the developer, to theme scrollbars. It will work in almost any situation, and at around just kb minified it will add next to no load time to your page. ...
Mar 08, 2014 3206 views 0 votes
aToolTip allows you to have a tooltip that constantly moves with your cursor or stays put over its partner item. It has hover or click options, is under 4kb and has callback functions. ...