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Tag Archives: jQuery Plugin

Number Progress Bar - A lovely progressbar

Number Progress Bar - A lovely progressbar

Number Progress Bar is a jQuery plugin that creates a slim progress bar with support for accelerated Javascript animations and custom value range. ...

jquery.inputmask - Create an input mask

jquery.inputmask - Create an input mask

jquery.inputmask is a jQuery plugin which create an input mask. An inputmask helps the user with the input by ensuring a predefined format. This can be useful for dates, numerics, phone numbers, etc ...

Slicknav - A responsive nav jQuery plugin

Slicknav - A responsive nav jQuery plugin

Slicknav is a responsive mobile menu consisting of various features like flexible, supports with multi-level menus, cross-browser compatibility, simple markup, keyboard accessible... ...

FreeWall - Creating dynamic grid layouts

FreeWall - Creating dynamic grid layouts

Freewall is a cross-browser and responsive jQuery plugin to help you create many types of grid layouts: flexible layouts, images layouts, nested grid layouts, metro style layouts, pinterest like layouts... ...

NumBox jQuery Plugin - Mobile-Friendly HTML5 Numeric Input

NumBox jQuery Plugin - Mobile-Friendly HTML5 Numeric Input

NumBox jQuery Plugin helps ensure that a numeric keyboard will pop-up on mobile devices when a number is entered. It offers real-time validation as you type plus display formatting for mobile devices and desktop browsers. ...

jQuery ScrollAppear Plugin

jQuery ScrollAppear Plugin

jQuery ScrollAppear is a powerful and agile content appear on scroll (or on other event triggers) plugin for jQuery. ...

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