raccordion is a fully responsive horizontal accordion image slider that adjusts according to the size of the browser width. raccordion slider adds variety and style. ...
Mar 14, 2014 3398 views 0 votes
raccordion is a fully responsive horizontal accordion image slider that adjusts according to the size of the browser width. raccordion slider adds variety and style. ...
Mar 06, 2014 3925 views 2 votes
Navgoco is a simple jQuery plugin which turns a nested unordered list of links into a beautiful vertical multi-level sliding navigation with options to remember sub-menus visible state between sessions and act as an accordion. ...
Feb 25, 2014 3714 views 0 votes
jQuery plugin for creating responsive tabs. The controls behave like regular tabs above a specified screen width (defined by an editable media query in the associated css file), and behave like an accordion on screens below that width ...
Feb 25, 2014 4830 views 0 votes
A simple jQuery plugin that transforms a set of Bootstrap tabs into a Bootstrap accordion. It can be configured to perform this transformation based on the size of the container or viewport to provide responsive awesomeness to your buzzword-rich UI ...
Feb 24, 2014 3760 views 0 votes
zAccordion is a horizontal accordion plugin for jQuery ...
Feb 24, 2014 3220 views 0 votes
we'll be creating a simple responsive accordion that, when opened, will slide to the top of the viewport and reveal the content by fading it in. The idea is to avoid that the user has to scroll the content area into place ...
Feb 24, 2014 4465 views 2 votes
A combination of an image slider and an accordion, With slides linked to each tab, and accompanied by a large array of effects, the Slidorion is a great alternative to the traditional jQuery slider ...
Feb 24, 2014 3818 views 1 votes
Using hidden inputs and labels, we will create a CSS-only accordion that will animate the content areas on opening and closing. ...