Devrama Slider
Devrama Slider is a image slider with many features. It support both images and HTML contents. ...
Apr 19, 2014 5001 views 1 votes
Devrama Slider is a image slider with many features. It support both images and HTML contents. ...
Apr 17, 2014 3370 views 0 votes
Bvslide is a jQuery slider with several transition effects. It accepts images which can optionally be nested within other elements like 'a' and 'li' tags. It has several customizable options including a play/pause, a filmstrip, previous, next buttons ...
Apr 14, 2014 3525 views 2 votes
μslider is the jQuery content slider and it has the "swipe touch" support for mobile/touch devices! It's very easy to use because it has a few essential options that can be configured straightforwardly. ...
Apr 10, 2014 4464 views 2 votes
ImageFlip is a simple and lightweight Image Gallery plugin for JQuery Mobile. It creates a new hash page on display allowing the back button to function instinctively. The new hash page destroys itself on exit, keeping your page count intact. ...
Mar 20, 2014 3719 views 1 votes
A template for a split layout with two sides. When clicking on a half in the initial view, the layout moves into the respective direction with some transition effects ...
Feb 11, 2014 7327 views 2 votes
The Nivo Slider includes 16 unique transition effects and tons of settings you can tweak to meet your needs. The markup is all clean and valid, and the packed version is only 15kb ...