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Tag Archives: infinite



The Timeline drop can have many different purposes. From explaining history and chronological events like process or history. The timeline features a beautiful CSS transition that is triggered by the user’s scroll. ...

ClassyContextMenu - Context menus for your site

ClassyContextMenu - Context menus for your site

ClassyContextMenu is a plugin that makes it easy to add right-click context menu functionality to any web application. A context menu can help make a web application feel even more like a native application. ...

jQuery easy ticker

jQuery easy ticker

jQuery easy ticker is a news ticker like plugin, which scrolls the list infinitely. It is highly customizable, flexible with lot of features and works in all browsers. ...

Infinite AJAX Scroll

Infinite AJAX Scroll

Infinite AJAX Scroll is a jQuery infinite scrolling plugin. It works by reading the next (and previous) links of your existing server-side pagination and load these pages via AJAX when the visitor scrolls to the end of the page. ...

Slick - the last carousel

Slick - the last carousel

Slick - the last carousel with fully responsive, moouse dragging, infinite looping, autoplay, callbacks, add, remove, filter slides ...

Circular Content Carousel

Circular Content Carousel

Here you will create a simple circular content carousel. The idea is to have some content boxes that we can slide infinitely (circular). ...

jQuery Infinite Carousel Plugin

jQuery Infinite Carousel Plugin

The Infinite Carousel is a jQuery plugin that allows you to showcase any number of images and videos in a carousel-like fashion. ...

Lemmon Slider - jQuery-based carousel

Lemmon Slider - jQuery-based carousel

Lemmon Slider is a jQuery-based carousel that supports slided elements with variable widths. It's lightweight and very simple to use. ...

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