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jQuery Mobile Pagination

jQuery Mobile Pagination

jQuery Mobile Pagination - a plugin for sequential pagination between pages with support for touch, mouse, and keyboard! ...

jquery-mobile-960 is a port of 960 grid to jquery mobile

jquery-mobile-960 is a port of 960 grid to jquery mobile

jquery-mobile-960 is a port of 960 grid to jquery mobile. It merge the flexibility of 960.gs, and the ease of jquery mobile. It aims to bring more flexibility to jquery-mobile layout and thus make it easier to use on tablets. ...

jQuery Mobile Splitview

jQuery Mobile Splitview

This is a plugin for jQuery Mobile that detects your device's browser width and renders pages accordingly - e.g. splitview for desktop and tablets, and standard jqm for mobile phones. ...

ImageFlip - Simple JQuery Mobile Image Gallery

ImageFlip - Simple JQuery Mobile Image Gallery

ImageFlip is a simple and lightweight Image Gallery plugin for JQuery Mobile. It creates a new hash page on display allowing the back button to function instinctively. The new hash page destroys itself on exit, keeping your page count intact. ...

Jquery flip - Flipboard like effect

Jquery flip - Flipboard like effect

jQuery/jQuery mobile plugin to give Flipboard app like effect. Flip effect uses css 3d transform. Flip effect currently works on WebKit browsers or Firefox 11. It still works with other browsers but the "slide" effect will be selected forecely. ...

Google maps v3 for jQuery and jQuery Mobile

Google maps v3 for jQuery and jQuery Mobile

The Google Map version 3 plugin for jQuery and jQM takes away some of the head aches from working with the Google Map API. Instead of having to use Google event listeners for simple events like click. ...

jQueryMobile DateBox - Date and Time Picker plugin

jQueryMobile DateBox - Date and Time Picker plugin

DateBox is a jQueryMobile plugin that aims to make user interaction with dates and times simple and intuitive. It is a colloborative work, with a full range of features allowing easy implementation, and painless extensibility. ...

Mobi Pick - Android-style datepicker widget

Mobi Pick - Android-style datepicker widget

Mobi Pick is an Android-style datepicker widget for jQuery Mobile. It uses the date library XDate and allows progressive enhancement for date input fields using Modernizr. ...

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