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Tag Archives: rating

jQuery Flickr Photoset

jQuery Flickr Photoset

Flickr Photoset is a jQuery plugin for generating photoset gallery using Bootstrap and Bootstrap Image Gallery. ...

Bootstrap star rating

Bootstrap star rating

Bootstrap star rating is a simple yet powerful JQuery star rating plugin for Bootstrap which supports advanced features like fractional star fill and RTL input support. ...



Device.js makes it easy to write conditional CSS _and/or_ JavaScript based on device operating system (iOS, Android, Blackberry, Windows, Firefox OS, MeeGo), orientation (Portrait vs. Landscape), and type (Tablet vs. Mobile) ...

Star Rating Plugin

Star Rating Plugin

The Star Rating Plugin is a plugin for the jQuery Javascript library that creates a non-obstrusive star rating control based on a set of radio input boxes. ...

jQuery Raty

jQuery Raty

jQuery Raty is a plugin that generates a customizable star rating. ...

Half-Star Rating

Half-Star Rating

This is a jQuery plugin for star rating systems. The initial inspiration for this script came from Wil Stuckey’s star rating system. ...



It is a very flexible jQuery plugin for quickly creating an AJAX star rating system. It is possible to configure every detail from” the number of the stars” to “if the stars can represent decimals or not” ...

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