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Tag Archives: pan

imgViewer -  Zoom and pan images

imgViewer - Zoom and pan images

imgViewer is a jQuery plugin that adds to an image the ability to zoom in and out with the mousewheel and pan around by click and drag. On touch enable devices pinch gestures can be used to zoom in and out and tap and drag to pan around. ...

Storymap - Create a map that follows your text

Storymap - Create a map that follows your text

Storymap is a jQuery-plugin to create a map that follows your text. Annotate each paragraph and place a map alongside it. Then you can zoom/pan/add marker etc to the map as the reader reads through the text. ...

jQuery treetable - Display a tree in an HTML table

jQuery treetable - Display a tree in an HTML table

jQuery treetable is a plugin for jQuery, the 'Write Less, Do More, JavaScript Library'. With this plugin you can display a tree in an HTML table, e.g. a directory structure or a nested list. ...

SpritSpin - Turns image frames into animations

SpritSpin - Turns image frames into animations

SpriteSpin is a jQuery plugin that turns image frames into animations. It requires an array of images or a stiched sprite sheet and plays them frame by frame like a flip book. The aim of this plugin is to provide a 360 degree view of any kind ...

Pan and zoom JQuery plugin

Pan and zoom JQuery plugin

Pan and zoom is a jquery plugin that manage smooth pan and zoom on a given dom element. The plugin works on mobile and pc and use CSS3 transitions on compatible web browsers. ...

rlightbox – a jQuery UI mediabox

rlightbox – a jQuery UI mediabox

rlightbox is a jQuery UI mediabox that can display many types of content such as images, YouTube and Vimeo videos. It has many unique features like Panorama and Live Re-size. Like other jQuery UI widgets, it is ThemeRoller ready. ...

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