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Tag Archives: date

Scrolld.js - Dynamic page scrolling

Scrolld.js - Dynamic page scrolling

Scrolld.js provides a method for highly precise scrolling for pixel-perfect layouts and navigation using real-time updated data values. With Scrolld.js your scrolling to items will always be exact and will always provide the best user experience. ...

jQuery Form Validate

jQuery Form Validate

jQuery Form Validate is a jQuery plugin that helps validate your HTML forms. It takes validation rules from the HTML 5 data attributes applied to each input. For example, let's assume we have a first_name text input in our form. ...

Validator - HTML form validation

Validator - HTML form validation

validator is a javascript validation code is based on jQuery. The Validator is cross-browser and will give you the power to use future-proof input types such as ‘tel’, ‘email’, ‘number’, ‘date’, and ‘url’. ...



quickValidation.js is a jQuery form validation that makes sense ...

Smart Validate - jQuery credit card validation plugin

Smart Validate - jQuery credit card validation plugin

Smart Validate is a jQuery credit card validation plugin, that makes credit card format validation a simple task. It ensures that user has entered valid credit card number before making actual transaction. ...

Timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker

Timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker

jQuery Timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker, thus the datepicker and slider components (jQueryUI) are required for using any of these. In addition all datepicker options are still available through the timepicker addon. ...

JQuery Mobile Date Navigation

JQuery Mobile Date Navigation

This plugin provides a navigation between date range, either by a defined range (week, month and year). Ideal for querying information accurately by AJAX calls. ...

jQueryMobile DateBox - Date and Time Picker plugin

jQueryMobile DateBox - Date and Time Picker plugin

DateBox is a jQueryMobile plugin that aims to make user interaction with dates and times simple and intuitive. It is a colloborative work, with a full range of features allowing easy implementation, and painless extensibility. ...

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