Bootstrap slider
Bootstrap Slider is a customizable jQuery component to create vertical and horizontal slider. Also it can be use as a range slider. ...
Feb 02, 2015 9436 views 1 votes
Bootstrap Slider is a customizable jQuery component to create vertical and horizontal slider. Also it can be use as a range slider. ...
Jul 10, 2014 3526 views 0 votes
Sliders is a lightweight jQuery plugin that creates easily-styleable range sliders. ...
May 07, 2014 15227 views 11 votes
noUiSlider is a range slider without bloat. It offers a ton off features, and it is as small, lightweightand minimal as possible, which is great for mobile use on the many supported devices, including mobile and desktop ...
Apr 19, 2014 3955 views 0 votes
Powerange is a range slider control, inspired heavily by iOS 7 and the "Power Rangers" TV series. With it's many features, including changing color and overall style, switching between horizontal and vertical style, custom min, max and start values... ...