jQuery upload plugin by drp.io
This plugin allows you to upload and store any type of files to http://drp.io and retrieve informations to use them. It does not require any authentication. ...
Oct 22, 2014 6697 views 3 votes
This plugin allows you to upload and store any type of files to http://drp.io and retrieve informations to use them. It does not require any authentication. ...
May 14, 2014 6687 views 2 votes
jQuery Droparea is a HTML5 drag and drop image/file upload jQuery plug-in and a php script for server-side. ...
Apr 13, 2014 9159 views 1 votes
Croppic is an image cropping jquery plugin that will satisfy your needs and much more ...
Mar 23, 2014 6135 views 0 votes
Use any form type uploading options as this script can be integrated on HTML5 website with ease. The images are resized and trimmed in total files size saving the total bandwidth as well. ...
Mar 23, 2014 4568 views 0 votes
HTML5 File Uploads with jQuery, that will allow people to upload photos from their computers by dragging and dropping them onto the browser window, possible with the new HTML5 APIs exposed by modern browsers. ...