jCoverflip is a jQuery plugin for easily creating coverflow-like interfaces that can display images or any other content. ...
Mar 17, 2014 5728 views 0 votes
jCoverflip is a jQuery plugin for easily creating coverflow-like interfaces that can display images or any other content. ...
Mar 16, 2014 12958 views 3 votes
Pixastic is an experimental library which allows you to perform a variety of operations on images. The effects supported out of the box include desaturation/greyscale, invert, flipping, brightness/contrast adjustment, hue/saturation, emboss, blur ...
Mar 13, 2014 3666 views 0 votes
There are many ways on displaying our portfolio, one of them is using grid style with slider effect for pagination. In this tutorial you ll learn how to displaying portfolio grid with flipping slider effect for pagination using jQuery & CSS3 Transform. ...
Mar 12, 2014 3371 views 0 votes
Flipping Circle Slideshow is an experimental concept and the idea is to flip a circle in a specific angle depending on which spot of the circle we click. ...