- Overview
- Documents
Skitter – A jQuery Slideshow Plugin With Flexible Animations
Skitter is a jQuery plugin that enables us to convert unordered lists into slideshows with attractive animations. The slideshow can display the list of slides as numbers or thumbnails and items can be browsed with the help of prev-next buttons as well.
How to install
See how to install Skitter Slideshow on your website or blog, it's very simple and fast!
Add the CSS and JS files inside <head>
<link type="text/css" href="css/skitter.styles.css" media="all" rel="stylesheet" /> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.8.1.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.easing.1.3.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.animate-colors-min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.skitter.min.js"></script>
Init the Skitter
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { $(".box_skitter_large").skitter(); }); </script>
Add the images through the unordered list
<div class="box_skitter box_skitter_large"> <ul> <li> <a href="#cut"><img src="images/001.jpg" class="cut" /></a> <div class="label_text"><p>cut</p></div> </li> <li> <a href="#swapBlocks"><img src="images/002.jpg" class="swapBlocks" /></a> <div class="label_text"><p>swapBlocks</p></div> </li> <li> <a href="#swapBarsBack"><img src="images/003.jpg" class="swapBarsBack" /></a> <div class="label_text"><p>swapBarsBack</p></div> </li> </ul> </div>
- animateNumberActive
Animation/style active number/dot
Default: {backgroundColor:'#cc3333', color:'#fff'}
Accept: array
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ animateNumberActive: {backgroundColor:'#000', color:'#ccc'} });
- animateNumberOut
Animation/style number/dot
Default: {backgroundColor:'#333', color:'#fff'}
Accept: array
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ animateNumberOut: {backgroundColor:'#000', color:'#ccc'} });
- animateNumberOver
Animation/style hover number/dot
Default: {backgroundColor:'#000', color:'#fff'}
Accept: array
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ animateNumberOver: {backgroundColor:'#000', color:'#ccc'} });
- animation
Default animation
Default: null or defined in <a> class
Accept: cube, cubeRandom, block, cubeStop, cubeHide, cubeSize, horizontal, showBars, showBarsRandom, tube, fade, fadeFour, paralell, blind, blindHeight, blindWidth, directionTop, directionBottom, directionRight, directionLeft, cubeStopRandom, cubeSpread, cubeJelly, glassCube, glassBlock, circles, circlesInside, circlesRotate, cubeShow, upBars, downBars, hideBars, swapBars, swapBarsBack, swapBlocks, cut, random, randomSmart
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ animation: 'fade' });
- auto_play
Sets whether the slideshow will start automatically
Default: true
Accept: false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ auto_play: false });
- controls
Option play/pause manually
Default: false
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ controls: true });
- controls_position
Position of button controls
Default: center
Accept: center, leftTop, rightTop, leftBottom, rightBottom
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ controls_position: 'rightBottom' });
- dots
Navigation with dots
Default: false
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ dots: true });
- easing_default
Easing default
Default: null
Accept: null, ease type
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ easing_default: 'easeOutBack' });
- enable_navigation_keys
Enable navigation keys
Default: false
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ enable_navigation_keys: true });
- focus
Focus slideshow
Default: false
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ focus: true });
- focus_position
Position of button focus slideshow
Default: center
Accept: center, leftTop, rightTop, leftBottom, rightBottom
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ focus_position: 'leftTop' });
- fullscreen
Fullscreen mode
Default: false
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ fullscreen: true });
- hideTools
Hide numbers and navigation
Default: false
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ hideTools: true });
- imageSwitched
Function call to change image
Default: null
Accept: function
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ imageSwitched: funtion( image_i, self ) { console.log( image_i); } });
- interval
Interval between transitions
Default: 2500
Accept: integer
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ interval: 3000 });
- label
Label display
Default: true
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ label: false });
- labelAnimation
Label animation type
Default: slideUp
Accept: slideUp, left, right, fixed
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ labelAnimation: 'left' });
- mouseOutButton
Function call to go out the navigation buttons
Default: function() { $(this).stop().animate({opacity:0.5}, 200); }
Accept: function() { $(this).stop().animate({opacity:0.2}, 500); }
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ mouseOutButton: function() { $(this).stop().animate({opacity:0.2}, 500); });
- mouseOverButton
Function call to go over the navigation buttons
Default: function() { $(this).stop().animate({opacity:0.5}, 200); }
Accept: function() { $(this).stop().animate({opacity:0.2}, 500); }
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ mouseOverButton: function() { $(this).stop().animate({opacity:0.2}, 500); });
- navigation
Navigation display
Default: true
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ navigation: false });
- numbers
Numbers display
Default: true
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ numbers: false });
- numbers_align
Alignment of numbers/dots/thumbs
Default: left
Accept: center, left, right
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ numbers_align: 'center' });
- onLoad
Default: null
Accept: null, function
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ onLoad: function(self) { console.log(self.settings.animation); } });
- preview
Preview with dots
Default: false
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ dots: true, preview: true });
- progressbar
Displays progress bar
Default: false
Accept: true
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ progressbar: true });
- progressbar_css
CSS progress bar
Default: false
Accept: true
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ progressbar_css: { backgroundColor: '#000' } });
- show_randomly
Randomly sliders
Default: false
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ show_randomly: true });
- stop_over
Stop animation to move mouse over it.
Default: true
Accept: false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ stop_over: false });
- theme
Slideshow theme
Default: null
Accept: minimalist, round, clean, square
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ theme: 'square' });
- thumbs
Navigation with thumbs
Default: false
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ thumbs: true });
- velocity
Velocity of animation
Default: 1
Accept: 0 to 2 (float)
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ velocity: 0.5 });
- width_label
Width label
Default: null
Accept: css property (300px, auto)
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ width_label: '300px' });
- with_animations
Specific animations
Default: []
Accept: ['paralell', 'glassCube', 'swapBars']
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ with_animations: ['paralell', 'glassCube', 'swapBars'] });
- xml
Loading data from XML file
Default: false
Accept: true, false
Example: $('.box_skitter_large').skitter({ xml: "xml/slides.xml" });