- Overview
- Documents
Bootstrap Tags Input is a jQuery plugin providing a Twitter Bootstrap user interface for managing tags
- Objects as tags
- True multi value
- Typeahead
- AngularJS directive included
- Designed for Bootstrap 2.3.2 and 3
Source: timschlechter.github.io
<link rel="stylesheet" href="bootstrap-2.3.2/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" href="../dist/bootstrap-tagsinput.css"> <script src="bower_components/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="bower_components/google-code-prettify-lite/prettify.js"></script> <script src="bootstrap-2.3.2/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="../dist/bootstrap-tagsinput.js"></script>
Just add data-role="tagsinput" to your input field to automatically change it to a tags input field.
<input type="text" value="Amsterdam,Washington,Sydney,Beijing,Cairo" data-role="tagsinput" placeholder="Add tags" />
statement | returns |
$("input").val() |
"Amsterdam,Washington,Sydney,Beijing,Cairo" |
$("input").tagsinput('items') |
["Amsterdam","Washington","Sydney","Beijing","Cairo"] |
True multi value
Use a <select multiple /> as your input element for a tags input, to gain true multivalue support. Instead of a comma separated string, the values will be set in an array. Existing <option /> elements will automatically be set as tags. This makes it also possible to create tags containing a comma.
<select multiple data-role="tagsinput"> <option value="Amsterdam">Amsterdam</option> <option value="Washington">Washington</option> <option value="Sydney">Sydney</option> <option value="Beijing">Beijing</option> <option value="Cairo">Cairo</option> </select>
statement | returns |
$("select").val() |
["Amsterdam","Washington","Sydney","Beijing","Cairo"] |
$("select").tagsinput('items') |
["Amsterdam","Washington","Sydney","Beijing","Cairo"] |
<input type="text" value="Amsterdam,Washington" data-role="tagsinput" /> <script> $('input').tagsinput({ typeahead: { source: function(query) { return $.getJSON('citynames.json'); } } }); </script>
statement | returns |
$("input").val() |
"Amsterdam,Washington" |
$("input").tagsinput('items') |
["Amsterdam","Washington"] |
Objects as tags
<input type="text" /> <script> $('input').tagsinput({ itemValue: 'value', itemText: 'text', typeahead: { source: function(query) { return $.getJSON('cities.json'); } } }); $('input').tagsinput('add', { "value": 1 , "text": "Amsterdam" }); $('input').tagsinput('add', { "value": 4 , "text": "Washington" }); $('input').tagsinput('add', { "value": 7 , "text": "Sydney" }); $('input').tagsinput('add', { "value": 10, "text": "Beijing" }); $('input').tagsinput('add', { "value": 13, "text": "Cairo" }); </script>
statement | returns |
$("input").val() |
"1,4,7,10,13" |
$("input").tagsinput('items') |
[{"value":1,"text":"Amsterdam","continent":"Europe"}, {"value":4,"text":"Washington","continent":"America"}, {"value":7,"text":"Sydney","continent":"Australia"}, {"value":10,"text":"Beijing","continent":"Asia"}, {"value":13,"text":"Cairo","continent":"Africa"}] |
Categorizing tags
<input type="text" /> <script> $('input').tagsinput({ tagClass: function(item) { switch (item.continent) { case 'Europe' : return 'label label-info'; case 'America' : return 'label label-important'; case 'Australia': return 'label label-success'; case 'Africa' : return 'badge badge-inverse'; case 'Asia' : return 'badge badge-warning'; } }, itemValue: 'value', itemText: 'text', typeahead: { source: function(query) { return $.getJSON('cities.json'); } } }); $('input').tagsinput('add', { "value": 1 , "text": "Amsterdam" , "continent": "Europe" }); $('input').tagsinput('add', { "value": 4 , "text": "Washington" , "continent": "America" }); $('input').tagsinput('add', { "value": 7 , "text": "Sydney" , "continent": "Australia" }); $('input').tagsinput('add', { "value": 10, "text": "Beijing" , "continent": "Asia" }); $('input').tagsinput('add', { "value": 13, "text": "Cairo" , "continent": "Africa" }); </script>
statement | returns |
$("input").val() |
"1,4,7,10,13" |
$("input").tagsinput('items') |
[{"value":1,"text":"Amsterdam","continent":"Europe"}, {"value":4,"text":"Washington","continent":"America"}, {"value":7,"text":"Sydney","continent":"Australia"}, {"value":10,"text":"Beijing","continent":"Asia"}, {"value":13,"text":"Cairo","continent":"Africa"}] |
option | description | |
tagClass |
Classname for the tags, or a function returning a classname $('input').tagsinput({ tagClass: 'big' }); $('input').tagsinput({ tagClass: function(item) { return (item.length > 10 ? 'big' : 'small'); } }); |
itemValue |
When adding objects as tags, itemValue must be set to the name of the property containing the item's value, or a function returning an item's value. $('input').tagsinput({ itemValue: 'id' }); $('input').tagsinput({ itemValue: function(item) { return item.id; } }); |
itemText |
When adding objects as tags, you can set itemText to the name of the property of item to use for a its tag's text. You may also provide a function which returns an item's value. When this options is not set, the value of itemValue will be used. $('input').tagsinput({ itemText: 'label' }); $('input').tagsinput({ itemText: function(item) { return item.label; } }); |
confirmKeys |
Array of keycodes which will add a tag when typing in the input. (default: [13], which is ENTER) $('input').tagsinput({ confirmKeys: [13, 44] }); |
maxTags |
When set, no more than the given number of tags are allowed to add (default: undefined). When maxTags is reached, a class 'bootstrap-tagsinput-max' is placed on the tagsinput element. $('input').tagsinput({ maxTags: 3 }); |
freeInput |
Allow creating tags which are not returned by typeahead's source (default: true)
This is only possible when using string as tags. When itemValue option is set, this option will be ignored.
$('input').tagsinput({ typeahead: { source: ['Amsterdam', 'Washington', 'Sydney', 'Beijing', 'Cairo'], freeInput: true } }); |
typeahead |
Object containing typeahead specific options |
source |
An array (or function returning a promise or array), which will be used as source for a typeahead. $('input').tagsinput({ typeahead: { source: ['Amsterdam', 'Washington', 'Sydney', 'Beijing', 'Cairo'] } }); $('input').tagsinput({ typeahead: { source: function(query) { return $.get('http://someservice.com'); } } }); |
onTagExists |
Function invoked when trying to add an item which allready exists. By default, the existing tag hides and fades in. $('input').tagsinput({ onTagExists: function(item, $tag) { $tag.hide.fadeIn(); } }); |
Method | Description |
add |
Adds a tag $('input').tagsinput('add', 'some tag'); $('input').tagsinput('add', { id: 1, text: 'some tag' }); |
remove |
Removes a tag $('input').tagsinput('remove', 'some tag'); $('input').tagsinput('remove', { id: 1, text: 'some tag' }); |
removeAll |
Removes all tags $('input').tagsinput('removeAll'); |
focus |
Sets focus in the tagsinput $('input').tagsinput('focus'); |
input |
Returns the tagsinput's internal <input />, which is used for adding tags. You could use this to add your own typeahead behaviour for example. var $elt = $('input').tagsinput('input'); |
refresh |
Refreshes the tags input UI. This might be usefull when you're adding objects as tags. When an object's text changes, you'll have to refresh to update the matching tag's text. $('input').tagsinput('refresh'); |
destroy |
Removes tagsinput behaviour $('input').tagsinput('destroy'); |