- Overview
- Documents
Twism is a clickable SVG maps jQuery plugin.Well, it works for any SVG that has IDs on the clickable regions. I made it for rolling out quick maps, though. You should probably use D3.js or Raphael if you want a robust, tested library for manipulating vector graphics.
Quick Instructions
Include jQuery and the jQuery twism plugin:
<script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery.js"></script> <script src="jquery.twism.js"></script>
Create a container:
<div id="worldmap"></div>
Initialize the plugin on said container:
Complete Documentation
selector.twism([method], [options], [callback]);
- create (default) - create a map
- destroy - remove a map
- setCountry - change one country's options
For instance:
The create and setCountry commands take options and all take a callback.
An example with a method, option, and callback:
$('#worldmap').twism("create", { map: "world", border: "red", individualCountrySettings: [{ name: "cn", color: "red" }, { name: "fr", color: "blue" }, { name: "us", color: "white" }] }, function() { alert("Callback!"); });
Pick a map (options: usa, world, or custom; default is world)
map: "world"
If you do a custom map type, provide a URL
customMap: 'maps/Blank_US_Map.svg'
Include Antarctica on the world map? (default: false)
antarctica: true
U.S. Territories?
territories: true
Map labels (usa only)?
labels: true
Map label attributes (usa only)
labelAttributes: { color: 'white', font: 'Helvetica',fontSize: '15', backgroundColor: 'blue'}
P.R.C. Territories? (i.e., treat Taiwan, HK, and Macao as one China, default: true)
littleRedBook: false,
Set a default background color of countries (default: #A9DA8A, can be used with setCountry)
color: "#A9DA8A"
Set the default color for the country borders (default: white, can be used with setCountry)
border: "white"
Set the border width (default: 2, can be used with setCountry):
borderWidth: 2
Set the background color (default: "#4af")
backgroundColor: "white"
Set a hover color (default: #BB0029, can be used with setCountry)
hoverColor: "#BB0029"
Set the hover border (default: "yellow", can be used with setCountry)
hoverBorder: "yellow"
Set the height (leaving it blank tries to get the parent div height):
height: 300px
Set the width (leaving it blank tries to get the parent div width):
width: 500px
Set a click event function (default alerts with the country code, if you put an argument on the function, it'll return the ID attribute of the region, can be used with setCountry)
click: function(country) { alert(country); }
Disable any regions (array of ID attributes or 2-digit country/state codes in the default world/USA maps)
dispableCountries: ["cn","ca","nz"]
Hide any regions (array of ID attributes or 2-digit country/state codes in the default world/USA maps)
hideCountries: ["cn","ca","nz"]
Change the colors for one or more map regions:
individualCountrySettings: [ { name: "us", color: "white", border: "green" borderWidth: 5 }, { name: "fr", color: "blue", border: "orange" borderWidth: 10 }, ]