Home / Date & Time / Timepicki - free Time picker jquery plugin
Timepicki - free Time picker jquery plugin

Timepicki - free Time picker jquery plugin

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Timepicki is a free Time picker jquery plugin, it is simple and clean timepicker so user can understand to set time for your project in input forms.

Reason to make : I have tried to search set timepicker for one of the form page, this type of timepicker only on boostrap framework as bootsstrap-timepicker, but if we use that plugin then also need to use bootstrap css and js, so that will conflict our own code css and some time make js conflict issue, that why i make it simple, so you can use easily with jquery library 1.x and 2.x too, if you find any issue or need any additional features in this plugin , kindly reach me on my mail(I mentioned on bottom of the page)

Source: github.com

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