Select.js – Styleable Select Elements
Select.js is a Javascript and CSS library for creating styleable select elements. It aims to reproduce the behavior of native controls as much as is possible, while allowing for complete styling with CSS. ...
Mar 04, 2014 4197 views 0 votes
Select.js is a Javascript and CSS library for creating styleable select elements. It aims to reproduce the behavior of native controls as much as is possible, while allowing for complete styling with CSS. ...
Mar 03, 2014 4950 views 0 votes
Sortable — is a minimalist JavaScript library for modern browsers and touch devices. No jQuery ...
Feb 26, 2014 6881 views 3 votes
Custom scrollbar plugin that’s fully customizable with CSS. Features vertical/horizontal scrolling, mouse-wheel support, scrolling buttons, scroll inertia with easing, auto-adjustable scrollbar length, nested scrollbars, scroll-to ...