Bootstrap Tokenfield - jQuery tagging / tokenizer input plugin
Bootstrap Tokenfield is a advanced tagging/tokenizing plugin for jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap with a focus on keyboard and copy-paste support. ...
Oct 22, 2014 9170 views 0 votes
Bootstrap Tokenfield is a advanced tagging/tokenizing plugin for jQuery and Twitter Bootstrap with a focus on keyboard and copy-paste support. ...
Apr 25, 2014 3258 views 1 votes
JQuery Repeat is a jquery plugin for filling out mock-ups. Repeat is for filling out mock-ups, making it easy to duplicate blocks of sample content. ...
Mar 15, 2014 5645 views 1 votes
Redactor is powerful, flexible and easy to use tool, that allows you to provide great service to your clients without spending expensive time on complex customization. Most features work out of the box and are customizable with literally a line of code. ...