Numeral.js - formatting and manipulating numbers
Numeral.js - A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers. ...
Apr 08, 2014 4423 views 0 votes
Numeral.js - A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers. ...
Mar 05, 2014 6401 views 1 votes
accounting.js is a tiny JavaScript library for number, money and currency formatting, with optional excel-style column rendering (to line up symbols and decimals). It's lightweight, fully localisable and has zero dependencies. ...
Mar 05, 2014 4010 views 0 votes
Writing frontend validation for forms is painfully boring. So I made this in the hopes that it will help make it a little less agonizing for you. ...
Mar 05, 2014 4016 views 1 votes
Formance.js is a jQuery library for formatting and validating form fields. It supports the following form fields ...