muPlayer - Creates HTML5 audio players
muPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily create an HTML5 audio player that replaces the default player of a web browser on web pages. ...
Aug 07, 2014 6229 views 0 votes
muPlayer is a jQuery plugin that allows you to easily create an HTML5 audio player that replaces the default player of a web browser on web pages. ...
Jun 19, 2014 18641 views 13 votes
ClassyPicozu is a plugin that allows you to use Picozu's advanced image editing functions on images from your own website. Basically you get an awesome online image editor your visitors can use to play with. ...
Apr 20, 2014 4278 views 1 votes
Avgrund - A modal concept which aims to give a sense of depth between the page and modal layers. ...
Apr 07, 2014 4215 views 0 votes
Landcarte is a jQuery plugin and a JavaScript library that helps introduce geographic maps and their numerous features (including geocoding, geolocation, user events, markers and layers) onto a web page in a simple and concise way. ...