Cleave.js - Format your content when you are typing
Format your content when you are typing. Cleave.js has a simple purpose: to help you format input text content automatically. ...
Sep 28, 2022 786 views 1 votes
Format your content when you are typing. Cleave.js has a simple purpose: to help you format input text content automatically. ...
Jul 17, 2014 6865 views 2 votes
jQuery Payment is a general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers. ...
May 16, 2014 4752 views 3 votes
NumBox jQuery Plugin helps ensure that a numeric keyboard will pop-up on mobile devices when a number is entered. It offers real-time validation as you type plus display formatting for mobile devices and desktop browsers. ...
Apr 08, 2014 4422 views 0 votes
Numeral.js - A javascript library for formatting and manipulating numbers. ...