Creditly.js - An intuitive credit card form
Creditly.js gives you everything you need in order to create a sleek, intuitive credit card form. Just copy the html, css, and javascript to get an intuitive credit card form in seconds. ...
Aug 03, 2014 3819 views 0 votes
Creditly.js gives you everything you need in order to create a sleek, intuitive credit card form. Just copy the html, css, and javascript to get an intuitive credit card form in seconds. ...
Jul 17, 2014 6920 views 2 votes
jQuery Payment is a general purpose library for building credit card forms, validating inputs and formatting numbers. ...
May 02, 2014 3993 views 0 votes
Smart Validate is a jQuery credit card validation plugin, that makes credit card format validation a simple task. It ensures that user has entered valid credit card number before making actual transaction. ...