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SVG-edit is an online vector graphics editor that uses only JavaScript, HTML5, CSS and SVG (i.e. no server-side functionality). SVG-edit has the following features:
Mar 26, 2014 in Drawing & SVG 7069 views
SVG-edit is an online vector graphics editor that uses only JavaScript, HTML5, CSS and SVG (i.e. no server-side functionality). SVG-edit has the following features:
As of version 2.5, SVG-edit has several configuration settings that can be overridden either by adding URL parameters or by setting the options in JavaScript.
Options can be set using svgEditor.setConfig(options), where "options" is an object literal of keys and values. This must be run before the actual page or DOM is loaded, else it will have no effect.
svgEditor.setConfig({ dimensions: [320, 240], canvas_expansion: 5, initFill: { color: '0000FF' } });
This will set the default width/height of the image, the size of the outside canvas, and the default "fill" color.
The same options can be set in the URL like this:
If options are set both using .setConfig() as well as in the URL, the URL value will be used.
Property | Description | Default |
lang | Two-letter language code. The language must exist in the Editor Preferences language list | en |
bkgd_url | Background raster image URL. This image will fill the background of the document, useful for tracing purposes | (none) |
img_save | Defines whether included raster images should be saved as Data URIs when possible, or as URL references. Must be either 'embed' or 'ref' | embed |
dimensions | The default width/height of a new document. Use an array in setConfig (i.e. [800, 600]) and comma separated numbers in the URL | [640, 480] |
initFill[color] | The initial fill color. Must be a hex code string. | FF0000 |
initFill[opacity] | The initial fill opacity. Must be a number between 0 and 1 | 1 |
initStroke[color] | The initial stroke color. Must be a hex code. | 000000 |
initStroke[width] | The initial stroke width. Must be a positive number. | 5 |
initStroke[opacity] | The initial stroke opacity. Must be a number between 0 and 1 | 1 |
initTool | The initially selected tool. Must be either the ID of the button for the tool, or the ID without "tool" prefix | select |
imgPath | The path where the SVG icons are located, with trailing slash | images/ |
langPath | The path where the language files are located, with trailing slash | locale/ |
extPath | The path used for extension files, with trailing slash | extensions/ |
extensions | Extensions to load on startup. Use an array in setConfig and comma separated file names in the URL. Note that this list entirely overrides the default list, so the default extensions will not be included if not in the list. | ['ext-arrows.js','ext-connector.js'] |
showlayers | Open the layers side-panel by default | false |
wireframe | Start in wireframe mode | false |
gridSnapping | Enable snap to grid by default | false |
snappingStep | Set the default grid snapping value | 10 |
no_save_warning | A boolean that when true prevents the warning dialog box from appearing when closing/reloading the page. Mostly useful for testing. | false |
canvas_expansion | The minimum area visible outside the canvas, as a multiple of the image dimensions. The larger the number, the more one can scroll outside the canvas. | 3 |
show_outside_canvas | A boolean that defines whether or not elements outside the canvas should be visible | true |
iconsize | Size of the toolbar icons. Must be one of the following: 's', 'm', 'l', 'xl' | m |
bkgd_color | Canvas background color | #FFF (white) |
showRulers | Initial state of ruler display (v2.6) | true |
selectNew | Initial state of option to automatically select objects after they are created (v2.6) | true |
It is also possible to start the editor with preloaded SVG file, using the following methods:
// Serialized string: svgEditor.loadFromString('<svg>...</svg>'); // Data URI: svgEditor.loadFromDataURI("data:image/svg+xml;base64,..."); // Local URL: svgEditor.loadFromURL("images/logo.svg");
Or as URL parameter:
// Data URI: ?source=data:image/svg+xml;base64,... // Local URL: ?url=images/logo.svg
Note: There is currently a bug that prevents data URIs ending with equals (=) characters from being parsed. Removing these characters seem to allow the import to work as expected.
Tagged with:
svg edit
online vector graphics editor
free-hand drawing
convert shapes
image editor
color & gradient
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