- Overview
- Documents
- Carousel Picker for list.
- Horizontal or vertical orientation.
- Align on left / center / right or top / medium / bottom.
- Custom class for selected and unselected items.
- Responsive with onResize event.
- Custom data key.
- Call data with ajax.
- Interactivity with custom events and cursor.
- Animated change with custom transitions.
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Source: molosc.github.io
<!-- jQuery library --> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- Pickli Javascript file --> <script src="jquery.pickli.min.js"></script>
Create a <ul> element, with a <li> for each item. An item can contain any HTML content and need a value attribute.
<ul> <li value="1">Item 1</li> <li value="2">Item 2</li> <li value="3">Item 3</li> <li value="4">Item 4</li> </ul>
Call .pickli() on target <ul>. Note that the call must be made inside of a $(document).ready() call, or the plugin will not work!
$(document).ready(function(){ $('ul').pickli(); });
default The default selected value.
default: null options: string
index The selected index.
default: -1 options: integer
value The selected value.
default: null options: string
labelKey The key used for the label in data collection.
default: 'label' options: string
valueKey The key used for the value in data collection.
default: 'value' options: string
autoErase If true, empty the slider when data is updated. If false, merge data with current collection.
default: false options: boolean (true / false)
data A collection of data (label / value) to fill the slider.
default: [] options: array ([{label:"Item 1",value:1}, {label:"Item 2",value:2}, ...])
remote Options for ajax data load. (See the Remote configuration options)
default: Remote options options: object (Remote options)
orientation Display the slider horizontaly or verticaly.
default: 'horizontal' options: string ('horizontal' / 'vertical')
size If orientation == 'horizontal', size will affect width wrapper property. If orientation == 'vertical', size will affect height wrapper property.
default: '100%' options: string (width or height css value)
selectAlign Alignment of selected item. If orientation == 'vertical', use 'left' for top, 'center'for middle and 'right' for bottom.
default: 'center' options: string ('left' / 'center' / 'right')
unselectAlign Alignment when no item is selected. If orientation == 'vertical', use 'left' for top,'center' for middle and 'right' for bottom.
default: 'center' options: string ('left' / 'center' / 'right')
wrapperClass A class name used for the <div> wrapper.
default: 'pickli' options: string
selectClass Class name of the selected item.
default: 'active' options: string
unselectClass Class name of the unselected items.
default: '' options: string
autoResize Refresh the position slider on window resize.
default: false options: boolean (true / false)
interaction Mouse or Touch Events for select an item.
default: 'click' options: string
transition How animate the slider when the selection change. If false, desactive animations. (See the Transition configuration options)
default: Transition options options: object (Transition options)
cursor The cursor used on the slider.
default: 'pointer' options: string (A CSS cursor value)
loop If true, clicking "Next" while on the last item will transition to the first item and vice-versa.
default: false options: boolean (true / false)
onChange Executes immediately after a item is selected (or unselected)
default: null options: function(value){ // your code here } arguments: value: value of the selected item (string)
onFill Executes immediately after the data collection change.
default: null options: function(data){ // your code here } arguments: data: current data collection (array)
Used for call a json data file or service with ajax.
How use it ?
You can load data when you initialize the slider:
slider = $('#target').pickli({ remote: { url:'http://...', ... } });
Or latter with the public method:
slider.remote('http://...'); // or slider.remote({ url: 'http://...', type: 'GET', ... });
url The url used for load JSON data.
default: '' options: string
type The type of request to make
default: 'GET' options: string ('POST' / 'GET')
data Data to be sent to the server. (see the jQuery.ajax() documentation)
default: null options: string or object or array
crossDomain If you wish to force a crossDomain request on the same domain.
default: false options: boolean
loader A jQuery object witch will be occulted or visible when data are loaded. loader.show() when dispatch onRemoteStart, loader.hide() when dispatch onRemoteSuccess or onRemoteError.
default: null options: jQuery object
onRemoteStart Executes immediately before the data ajax call.
default: null options: function(){ // your code here }
onRemoteSuccess Executes on jQuery ajax success event.
default: null options: function(data){ // your code here } arguments: data: loaded data collection (array)
onRemoteError Executes on jQuery ajax error event.
default: null options: function(data){ // your code here } arguments: e: error (object)
If you set the transition to false, it will desactivate the animation.
duration A string or number determining how long the animation will run. (see jQuery.animate documentation)
default: 'normal' options: integer or string ('slow' / 'normal' / 'fast')
easing A string indicating which easing function to use for the transition. (see jQuery.animate documentation or http://api.jqueryui.com/easings/ for the list of easing)
default: 'swing' options: string ('linear' / 'swing' / 'easeInQuad' / 'easeOutCubic' / 'easeInOutQuart' / ...)
onTransitionStart Executes on jQuery animate start event.
default: null options: function(){ // your code here }
onTransitionComplete Executes on jQuery animate complete event.
default: null options: function(data){ // your code here }
next Select next item. Do nothing if there is not item selected.
example: slider = $('#target').pickli(); slider.next();
prev Select previous item. Do nothing if there is not item selected.
example: slider = $('#target').pickli(); slider.prev();
first Select first item.
example: slider = $('#target').pickli(); slider.first();
last Select last item.
example: slider = $('#target').pickli(); slider.last();
jump Jump to an item adding o substracting a value to the current index. Do nothing if there is not item selected.
example: slider = $('#target').pickli(); slider.jump(-3);
refresh Refresh the slider with the current selection.
example: slider = $('#target').pickli(); slider.refresh();