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jquery.datagrid is a jquery plugin to render datagrid. Works with local or remote data. Designed to be adaptive, simple to use and extendable.
- Fetch data from any source: local data or remote data (using ajax, deferred function or plugin)
- Render a simple HTML Table easy to style (no imposed css)
- Simple columns definition
- Semi-automatic sorter and pager (for remote data, you need to code server side)
- Plugins for cell, pager and sorter renderers (easy to create, very easy to extend)
- Events on each step (you do what you want with your data)
- Convert form elements (input, select) into automatic filters (magic!)
<link href="//" rel="stylesheet"> <link href="//" rel="stylesheet"> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../jquery.datagrid.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../plugins/jquery.datagrid.bootstrap3.js"></script>
<div id="dg-demo-static-data" class="dg"></div>
var dgs = $( "#dg-demo-static-data" ).datagrid({ data: countries, col: [{ field: "Continent", title: "Continent", sortable: true },{ field: "Name", title: "Name", sortable: true },{ field: "Population", title: "Population", sortable: true },{ field: "SurfaceArea", title: "Surface", sortable: true }], attr: { "class": "table table-bordered table-condensed" }, sorter: "bootstrap", pager: "bootstrap", paramsDefault: {paging:20} });
// All options with default values { source: "default", // plugin url: "", data: false, autoload: true, paramsDefault: {}, paramsMapping: { page: "page", paging: "paging", orderby: "orderby", direction: "direction" }, parse: function( data ) { if ( $.type( data ) === 'string' ) { return JSON.parse( data ); } else { return data; } }, col: [], attr: {}, attrSortable: {}, noData: "no data", onBefore: false, onData: false, onRowData: false, onComplete: false, sorter: "default", // plugin pager: "default", // plugin pagerPosition: "bottom" }
Options detail
List of option names ( expected values )
Get data
- source ( string || object || function ) : data fetching method: function, plugin name (string) or plugin name with config (object). - see Source Plugins below
- url ( string ) : server url where data are fetch (with POST params data). Used by defaultsource.
- data ( false || array ) : local data (no remote fetch). If not false, source will be automatically set to "data".
- autoload ( boolean ) : auto load data. If set to false, you need to load manualy the data withdatagrid.fetch() method.
- paramsDefault ( object ) : default params added to the data request.
- paramsMapping ( object ) : you can map param names used for paging and sorting (keys used: see default value).
- parse( function ) : callback function that parse data before render. By default, decode data inJSON if data is a string.
Render data
- col ( array ) : array of column definition objects. - see Column options below
- attr ( false || object ) : an object of attribute-value pairs: generate the table element attributes.
- attrSortable ( false || object ) : an object of attribute-value pairs: params for $(th).attr() if column is sortable.
- noData ( string || function ) : string: it will be displayed instead of the table if there is no data.function: the result returned by the function will be displayed.
- sorter ( string || object ) : display text or icon on table header when columns are sorted (asc or desc). - see Plugins below
- pager ( string || object ) : render the pager. default pager write page numbers in a span, all in adiv. - see Plugins below
- pagerPosition ( false || "top" || "bottom" || ["top","bottom"] ) : display the pager on "bottom" of thetable, or on the "top", or both with ["top","bottom"].
- onBefore ( false || function ) : callback function(). Scope is datagrid.
- onData ( false || function ) : callback function( { "total": Total number of data without paging, "data": [ Array of row ] } )
- onRowData ( false || function ) : callback function( data[ numrow ], numrow, $tr )
- onComplete ( false || function ) : callback function(). Scope is datagrid.
Column options
// All column options with default values { field: "", // Field name title: "", // Title display in the `th`content attrHeader: {}, // Param for `$(th).attr()` attr: {}, // Param for `$(td).attr()` sortable: false, // `true` activate column sort on `th` click render: "default" // *see cell rendering below* }
Cell Rendering
How to display td content depends on column render value.
- Use a plugin registered with "plugin-name" ("default" plugin just display field value)
render: "plugin-name"
- Use a registered plugin "plugin-name" with params
render: { "plugin-name": params }
- Use a callback function
render: function( data ){ // scope (this) is the `$(td)` in the callback // fill `td` with `$(td).html( returned value )` return data.value; // if you return false, `td` content will not be changed // you can update cell with `this.html()`, `this.append()`, ... this.html( data.value ); return false; // `data` is an object like this data = { value: "the value of the field key", field: "the field key name", row: "row data object (row.fieldname = value)", colindex: "column number (first is 0)" } }
Methods can be called in 2 ways:
- With selector used to create datagrid
$( selector ).datagrid( "methodName", methodParams );
- Or with a reference to the datagrid instance
datagrid.methodName( methodParams );
You can get a reference to the datagrid instance with
$( selector ).datagrid( "datagrid" ); // it's chainable $( selector ).datagrid( "datagrid" ).methodName( methodParams );
Methods list
// fetch source (get data). `filters` is an object of attribute-value pairs (optional). $( selector ).datagrid( "fetch", filters );
// get page number (first page is 1). $( selector ).datagrid( "page" ); // set page number. `fetch()` is not called. $( selector ).datagrid( "page", page );
// get paging number (default paging is 15). $( selector ).datagrid( "paging" ); // set paging number. `fetch()` is not called. $( selector ).datagrid( "paging", paging );
// get orderby (default orderby is ""). $( selector ).datagrid( "orderby" ); // set orderby. `fetch()` is not called. // sorter plugin use field name. $( selector ).datagrid( "orderby", orderby );
// get direction (default direction is ""). $( selector ).datagrid( "direction" ); // set direction. `fetch()` is not called. // sorter plugin use "asc" or "desc". $( selector ).datagrid( "direction", direction );
// get params used for data request. $( selector ).datagrid( "params" ); // reset params to default. $( selector ).datagrid( "reset" );
// render HTML table. $( selector ).datagrid( "render", data );
// define selected form element(s) (and children) as automatic filters. *see __Filters__ below* $( selector ).datagrid( "filters", selector );