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Happy.js - Lightweight form validation for jQuery or Zepto.js
Yes, there a million form validation plugins already – but I like this approach and the good news is, if you don't, you have other options. In fact, if you want something really full-featured for jQuery. Use this one. Personally I wanted something really lightweight and extendable (because it's hard to be happy when you're bloated).
<script src="jquery.or.zepto.js"></script> <script src="happy.js"></script> <script src="happy.mytrimmedlistofmethods.js"></script>
<form id="awesomeForm" action="/lights/camera" method="post"> <input id="yourName" type="text" name="name" /> <input id="email" type="text" name="email" /> </form>
$(document).ready(function () { $('#awesomeForm').isHappy({ fields: { // reference the field you're talking about, probably by `id` // but you could certainly do $('[name=name]') as well. '#yourName': { required: true, message: 'Might we inquire your name' }, '#email': { required: true, message: 'How are we to reach you sans email??', test: // this can be *any* function that returns true or false } } }); });
Top level options are listed below. Only the fields attribute is required.
- fields (object, see below): The configs for each field with the jquery selector as the key.
- submitButton (string): If you pass jQuery selector to this the form will be validated when that item is clicked instead of on submit.
- happy (function): A callback that gets triggered when form submission is attempted and all fields pass validation.
- unHappy (function): A callback that gets triggered when form submission is attempted but any fields fail validation.
- errorTemplate (function): Used to generate custom error html instead of the default. Is passed a standard error object as its only parameter (which has id and message attributes). Should return the error message html.
- when (string: default: 'blur'): Event on which to reevaluate any field.
- classes (object, see below): The classes to set on the input fields and error messages for those fields.
Each field takes the following attributes all optional
- required (boolean or 'sometimes'): You can specify that a field is required here, OR... better yet specify it with the HTML5 required attribute like so: <input type="text" required>. Happy.js will detect that too, even in IE6. So either way is fine. Also, you can pass the string `'sometimes'`, to specify that you always want it to run the `test` function to determine validity. Otherwise 'Happy' will only validate non-blank values. Passing `'sometimes'` lets you make fields conditionally required.
- message (string): Message shown in case of an error for this field.
- test (function): A function that takes the field value as the first argument and returns true or false.
- arg (anything): An optional second argument that will get passed to the test function. This is useful for comparing with another paramter or whatnot. If this is a function it will be evaluated. This way you can compare it to something that is evaluated at runtime such as what they put in another field or to make a server call to check if a username is available, etc.
- clean (function): A function that is used to clean the data before it is validated. Note, this also writes the cleaned data back to the field input.
- trim (boolean, default: true): Password fields are not trimmed, but other field values are trimmed by default. Also, please note that if you pass a clean method it is assumed that you'll handle any trimming, etc, so the value won't be trimmed in that case.
- when (string, default: 'blur'): Event on which to reevaluate this field. Overrides top level 'when' setting for this field.
The classes parameter takes the following attributes all optional
- field (string, default: 'unhappy'): Class to apply to the input field on failed validation.
- message (string, default: 'unhappyMessage'): Class to apply to the error message for an input that has failed validation.