- Overview
- Documents
- Demos
ZingChart jQuery is a wrapper for the ZingChart charting library that allows for jQuery-style use of the 88 different API methods and 81 different API events that ZingChart has to offer. It's designed to allow maximum use of the various features with the simplest and most jQuery-esque syntax possible.
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Source: github.com
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.11.2.min.js"></script> <script src="cdn.zingchart.com/zingchart-html5-min.js"></script> <script src="cdn.zingchart.com/zingchart.jquery.min.js"></script>
<div id="myChart" class="zingchart"></div>
The ZingChart jQuery wrapper works just like normal jQuery. Each method or event is tacked on to the standard jQuery selector method. All methods should be placed inside a $(document).ready() call to ensure the DOM is fully loaded. Here's an example of creating a ZingChart object on a div with an ID of "myChart":
$(document).ready(function() { $("#myChart").zingchart({ "data":{ "type": "line", "series": [ { "values": [1,2,5,3,9,4] } ] } }); })
.zingchart( object )
Creates a new ZingChart object
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | ZingChart Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
Rendering a chart
$("#myChart").zingchart({ "type": "line", "title": { "text": "Hello, ZingChart World!" }, "series": [ { "values": [5, 10, 15, 5, 10, 5] } ] });
Data Manipulation
.addNode( object )
Adds a node to an existing plot
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Node Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").addNode({ "plotindex": 1, "nodeindex": 2, "value": 12 });
.addPlot( object )
Adds a new plot to an exising chart
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Plot Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").addPlot({ "plotindex": 0, "data": { "values": [10,20,15] } });
.appendSeriesData( object )
Appends data to the existing series. Can be used on a single plot or the whole series. Note that the value arrays sent do not concatenate the existing ones.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Series Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").appendSeriesData({ "plotindex": 0, data: { "lineColor": "red" } });
.appendSeriesValues( object )
Appends data to the end of a plot. Can be used on a single plot or the whole series.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Series Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").appendSeriesData({ "plotindex": 1, "values": [19,28,13,42] });
.getSeriesData( object )
Returns the series data. If a series object is passed through, the data for that series is returned. If no argument is passed through, the data for every series of the chart is returned.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object (OPTIONAL) | Series Object |
Return | Object | Series Object |
var myData = $("#myChart").getSeriesData({ "plotindex": 1 }); // myData = the series data for plot[1] of the chart var allData = $("#myChart").getSeriesData(); // allData = the series data for all plots of the chart
.getSeriesValues( object )
Returns the series values. If a series object is passed through, the values for that series are returned. If no argument is passed through, the values for every series of the chart are returned concatenated in order from the first plot to the last plot.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object (OPTIONAL) | Series Object |
Return | Object | Series Object |
var myValues = $("#myChart").getSeriesValues({ "plotindex": 0 }); // myValues = the series values for plot[0] of the chart var allValues = $("#myChart").getSeriesValues(); // allValues = the series values for all plots of the chart
.modifyPlot( object )
Modifies an existing plot on the chart specified by plotindex.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Plot Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").modifyPlot({ "plotindex": 0, "data": { "lineWidth": 2, "lineColor": "yellow", } });
.removeNode( object )
Removes a node specified by plotindex and nodeindex.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Node Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").removeNode({ "plotindex": 1, "nodeindex": 2 });
.removePlot( object )
Removes a plot specified by plotindex.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Plot Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").removePlot({ "plotindex": 0 });
.set3dView( object )
Sets the new 3D parameters for the view. This overrides the settings from the 3d-aspect attribute of the chart.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | 3D View Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").set3dView({ "y-angle": 10, "depth": 60 });
.setNodeValue( object )
Changes the value of a single node specified via plotindex and nodeindex to the new value.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Node Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").setNodeValue({ "plotindex": 1, "nodeindex": 2, "value": 22 });
.setSeriesData( object )
Replaces the series data. It can be used on one plot or the whole series depending on if plotindex is set.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Series Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
Setting the series data for a single plot:
$("#myChart").setSeriesData({ "plotindex": 1, "data" : { "values": [12, 33, 20], "lineColor": "red" } });
Setting the series data for all plots:
$("#myChart").setSeriesData({ "data": [ { "values": [10,15,20], "lineColor": "blue" }, { "values": [12,17,10], "lineColor": "pink" } ] });
.setSeriesValues( object )
Replaces the series values. It can be used on one plot or the whole series depending on if plotindexis set.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Series Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
Setting the series values for a single plot:
$("#myChart").setSeriesValues({ "plotindex": 1, "values": [99,98,97] });
Setting the series values for all plots:
$("#myChart").setSeriesValues({ "values": [ [19,28,13,42], [37,11,27,25] ] });
Exports the current data for the chart. This only works if the exportdataurl is set in the render options.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").exportData(); //Assuming the exportdataurl is set in the render options, the current data for the chart will be exported to that url.
.getImageData( string )
Returns a Base64 encoded image string of the current chart.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | String | "png", "jpg", "bmp" (only if rendering in Flash) |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").getImageData("png"); // or... $("#myChart").getImageData("jpg"); // or (if you're rendering via Flash)... $("#myChart").getImageData("bmp");
Creates a printable version of the chart and attempts to print it.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
// Results in the printer dialog opening on the page $("#myChart").print();
Produces an image of the graph. This will only work if the exportimageurl is set in the render options.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
// Assuming the exportimageurl is set in the render options, an image of the current chart will be exported to that url. $("#myChart").saveAsImage();
Feed (Real-time Data)
Clears the current chart and starts the feed anew.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
Returns the current interval value set on the feed.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | Number | Seconds (1,2,..) or Miliseconds (100,200,...) |
var myInterval = $("#myChart").getInterval();
.setInterval( number )
Sets the feed update interval on a feed graph.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Number | Seconds (1,2,...) or Miliseconds (100,200,...) |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").setInterval(500); // Sets the feed update interval to 500ms (1/2 sec)
Starts the data feed of the chart.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
Stops the data feed of the chart.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
.getChartType( object )
Returns the chart's type. If a graphid is passed, it will return the chart type for the specified chart. If the chart is has multiple charts inside it (i.e. a graphset) and no object is passed specifying which graphid to get, the method returns the chart type of the first (index 0) chart in the graph set.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object (OPTIONAL) | Graph Object |
Return | String | The chart type in lowercase ("line", "pie", "area",...) |
var myType = $("#myChart").getChartType(); // myType = the type of the chart at #$("#myChart") var indexOneType = $("#myChart").getChartType({ "graphid": 1 }); // indexOneType = the type of the chart at index 1 of #$("#myChart")
Returns the entire JSON for the chart. All of it. Every single nugget of info.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | Object | Chart Data Object |
Returns 'true' if the user is in edit more for the chart or 'false' if not.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | Boolean | true if in edit more, false if not |
if ( $("#myChart").getEditMode() ) { alert("I am editing my chart") } // If we were in edit more on the chart, the alert would fire.
Returns the number of graph objects in the chart.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | Number | 1,2,... |
var numberOfGraphs = $("#myChart").getGraphLength(); // numberOfGraphs = the number of graph objects in the chart
.getNodeLength( object )
Returns the number of nodes in a plot specified by plotindex. If no object is passed, the function returns the number of nodes in the 0 index plot.
Values | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object (OPTIONAL) | Plot Object |
Return | Number | 1,2,... |
var numberOfNodes = $("#myChart").getNodeLength(); // numberOfNodes = the number of nodes in the 0 index plot var nodesInPlot = $("#myChart").getNodeLength({ "plotindex": 1 }); // nodesInPlot = the number of nodes in the plot at index 1
.getNodeValue( object )
Returns the value of the node specified by plotindex and nodeindex.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Node Object |
Return | Number | 1,2,... |
var myValue = $("#myChart").getNodeValue({ "plotindex": 1, "nodeindex": 5 });
.getObjectInfo( object )
Returns various attributes for specific chart elements (graph, plotarea, scale, plot, node). Depending on the object passed, a subset of the following attributes will be returned: x, y, width, height, lineColor, lineWidth, borderColor, borderWidth, backgroundColor1, backgroundColor2, text, values, minValue, maxValue, step, stepSize
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Info Object |
Return | Object | Dependent on targeted object |
$("#myChart").getObjectInfo({ "object": "graph" }); // This would return all the object info available for the graph object.
.getPlotLength( object )
Returns the number of plots in a given graph. If graphid* is specified, the number of plots for that graph are returned.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object (optional) | Graph ID Object |
Return | Number | 1,2,... |
var myPlotLength = $("#myChart").getPlotLength(); // myPlotLength would then equal the number of plots in $("#myChart")
.getPlotValues( object )
Returns the value of the plot specified by plotindex.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Plot Object |
Return | Array | ex: [12,23,45] |
var myPlotValues = $("#myChart").getPlotValues({ "plotindex": 0 }); // myPlotValues = the array of values for the plot at index 0.
Returns the render mode for the chart.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | String | "svg", "canvas", "vml" |
var myRenderMode = $("#myChart").getRender(); // myRenderMode = the render more of $("#myChart")
.getRules( object )
Returns an array containing the ids of the existing rules in the chart, specified by plotindex.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Plot Object |
Return | Array | ["rule1", "rule2"] |
var myRules = $("#myChart").getRules({ "plotindex": 0 }); myRules = the rules for the plot at index 0.
Returns the version of the library you're currently running. This is usefulf for debugging and good information to provide if you need to contacting support.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | String | ex: "0.141015pre" |
var myVersion = $("#myChart").getVersion(); // myVersion = the version of the library you're currently running.
.getXYInfo( object )
Returns various scale and node related information based on x and y positions in the chart. The returned data is an array of object holding information relative to key scales, value scales, and node proximity.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | XY Coords. |
Return | Array | [Object1, Object2, ...] |
var myXYInfo = $("#myChart").getXYInfo({ x: 100, y: 200 }); // myXYInfo = an array of information relative to the XY coordinates.
.addScaleValue( object )
Adds a new scale value on the chart.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Scale Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").addScaleValue({ "scale": "scale-x", "nodeindex": 4, "value": 23 });
Destroys the chart, removing the associated DOM nodes and events. This is the recommended way to remove a chart from a page.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").destroy(); // ZingChart jQuery Wrapper uses 'destroy'. It's super effective!
.load( string )
Loads a new JSON packet from a URL.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | String | 'newjson.php', 'somedata.php', etc. |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
.modify( object )
Modifies any part of the current graph that you specify in the passed object.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Modify Data Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").modify({ "data": { "title": { "text": "Supermodified" }, "subtitle": { "text": "by Amon Tobin" } } }); // The title of $("#myChart") is now "Supermodified" and the subtitle is now "by Amon Tobin"
.reloadChart( object )
If an object is passed through specifying the graphid of a graph, only that graph will be reloaded. If no object is passed through, the entire chart is reloaded.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object (optional) | Graphset Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
Reloading the entire chart.
Reloading a single graph of the chart.
$("#myChart").reload({ "graphid": 0 });
.removeScaleValue( object )
Removes a value from the scale specified by the scale and the nodeindex.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Scale Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").removeScaleValue({ "scale": "scale-x", "nodeindex": 4 }); // The scale value at index 4 on the x-axis has now been removed.
.resizeChart( object )
Resizes the chart according to new dimensions set by the width and height. For pixel-based widths and heights, you can just use a number (i.e. 600 instead of "600px"). For percentages, you'll need to use a string (i.e. "100%").
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Size Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").resize({ "width": 600, "height": 400 }); // Wha-Bam! Your chart is now 600px wide and 400px tall.
.setData( object )
Takes a full JSON packet to replace the current one. Like the .zingchart() method, you can pass the object through directly or by reference.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | Object | Data Object |
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
$("#myChart").setData({ "data": { "type": "bar", "title": { "text": "A whole new chart" }, "subtitle": { "text": "A new fantastic point of view" }, "series": [ { "values": [1,2,3,4,5,6,7] } ] } });
Flushes and applies all queued data manipulation changes set via API calls.
Value | Type | Details |
Parameter | ||
Return | jQuery | jQuery Object |
Chart Manipulation: Using Methods and Events Together
Check out this example to see how to make a chart with lots of plots into an interactive and much more legible chart. Edit in JSFiddle
Chart to DOM: Manipulating the DOM with Events
Learn how to manipulate the DOM through the use of ZingChart jQuery events. Edit in JSFiddle
DOM to Chart: Manipulating the Chart with Methods
This is a great first example if you're looking to learn how to integrate ZingChart jQuery methods with standard DOM input elements. Edit in JSFiddle
AJAX Data: Using Asynchronous Data with your Chart
No need to load your data at once. Check out this example to see how to get started with AJAX and the ZingChart jQuery wrapper. Edit in JSFiddle
Table to Chart: Using the Zingify Tool
Take your well-formed HTML tables and turn them into snazzy charts with ease. Edit in JSFiddle