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The Wookmark - A jQuery plugin to create a dynamic, multi-column layout.
- update layout after browser is resized
- Custom sorting function
- Set width for item by pixels or %
- Adjusts item width to create optimal layout based on browser size
How to use it
Download the Javascript plugin file
Include the file in your website (after your include of jQuery)
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.wookmark.js"></script>
Run it on your content
<script type="text/javascript">$('#myContent li').wookmark();</script>
Adjust the options
align - "left", "right", or "center"
autoResize - if "true", updates layout after browser is resized
resizeDelay - default is "50", time in miliseconds between browser resize and layout update
comparator - a custom sorting function
container - the width of this element is used to calculate the number of columns, defaults to "window". For example $('myContentGrid'). Container should also have the CSS property "position: relative".
direction - "left" or "right", whether to start in top left or top right corner
ignoreInactiveItems - if "true", inactive items will still be visible, which can be used to fade filtered items out
itemWidth - width of one grid item in pixels ("200") or percentage ("10%"), defaults to width of first item
fillEmptySpace - if "true", creates placeholder at bottom of each column to create an even layout. Placeholders elements have the class "wookmark-placeholder".
flexibleWidth - "true" or "false", adjusts item width to create optimal layout based on browser size
offset - vertical and horizontal distance between items, defaults to 2
onLayoutChanged - a function that gets called after every layout change
outerOffset - default is "0"