Capital Letter
Capital Letter is A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to add Capital Letters to any text in the page, it's easy to use and customize. ...
Collapser is a small and useful jQuery plugin for collapsing/truncating an element text by words, characters and lines with a flexible API. It is an all in one plugin with multiple functionalities to truncate a paragraph or any element as desired.
Apr 16, 2014 3062 views 0 votes
Capital Letter is A simple, lightweight jQuery plugin that allows you to add Capital Letters to any text in the page, it's easy to use and customize. ...
Apr 15, 2014 4977 views 2 votes
jQuery Simple Pagination is A simple plugin, yet robustly customizable pagination plugin for jQuery ...
Apr 15, 2014 3118 views 1 votes
jQuery URL ColorUP is a jQuery plugin allows it to automatically highlight URLs in textareas like those on Twitter. ...
Apr 14, 2014 3528 views 2 votes
μslider is the jQuery content slider and it has the "swipe touch" support for mobile/touch devices! It's very easy to use because it has a few essential options that can be configured straightforwardly. ...
Apr 14, 2014 4358 views 1 votes
Replicating and improving the lightbox module seen on Medium with fluid transitions. Opening images seamlessly in a lightbox on your page without interruption. This demo was inspired by how Medium handles embedded images. ...
Apr 14, 2014 3418 views 0 votes
CheckRadios is a jQuery plugin that is designed to allow you to fully customize check boxes and radios without using standard images and with scalability in mind. This plugin uses vector based icons/fonts to add in the ticks and circles. ...
Apr 14, 2014 8851 views 7 votes
JQuery lightGallery is a lightweight jQuery lightbox gallery for displaying image and video gallery. It has numerous features such as touch support, Youtube Vimeo video support, slide and fade effects, image captions and descriptions. ...
Apr 14, 2014 3327 views 1 votes
ClassyLoader is a jQuery plugin that lets your add beautiful and animated loaders to your website. ...
Apr 14, 2014 3892 views 0 votes
stickyNavbar.js is a jQuery plugin that helps you stick your navigation bars to the top of the browser window during scrolling. You can use your favourite jQuery effects or even fantastic Animate.CSS library to spice up your navigation. ...