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Breakpoints.js -  Makes modular responsive design

Breakpoints.js - Makes modular responsive design

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Breakpoints.js is a jQuery plugin that makes modular responsive design possible by adding classes to elements based on defined breakpoints.


Let's say I have a block in a responsive design. I have three versions of the block: "small", "medium", and "large". Imagine this block in a single column layout. It starts off at "medium", then stretches to "large", until eventually another column is introduced, and it goes to "small" because the column it is in is made smaller in order to fit the newly added column. This same sort of thing happens as each additional column is introduced and the columns stretch. Until a better term comes along, we can call this "modular responsive design".

But with media queries, this is not easy to do. You end up copying rules across breakpoints in order to reproduce the layout of the block. Media queries are only concerned with the width of the screen, whereas the layout of the block is determined by the width of the block itself. It would be much easier to accomplish this if breakpoints were defined on individual blocks rather than on the screen.

Enter breakpoints.js, a jQuery plugin that makes modular responsive design possible by adding classes to elements based on defined breakpoints. And voila! You have modular responsive design.

Source: reusables.io

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