- Overview
- Documents
Bootstrap Datagrid (bs_grid) is a jQuery Datagrid plugin, based on Bootstrap, useful to manipulate database data in tabular format. Advanced row selection, sorting, pagination and filtering, fully customizable, responsive web design, localization.
- Created for Bootstrap 3 (Bootstrap 2 supported)
- Responsive web design
- Fully configurable
- Get data in JSON format using AJAX (any server-side technology)
- A php class is provided for server side operations
- Change columns order
- Show/hide columns
- Style columns
- Simple column sorting with a click
- Flexible data sorting (multi-column)
- Single or multiple row selection
- Powerful pagination
- Powerful filters (Query builder)
- Multiple instances in same page
- Localization
Source: pontikis.net
<!-- It is a good idea to bundle all CSS in one file. The same with JS --> <!-- JQUERY --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- BOOTSTRAP --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/bootstrap.min.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <!-- JQUERY-UI (only sortable and datepicker is needed) --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/jquery-ui.min.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <!-- if timepicker is used in filters --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.min.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery-ui-timepicker-addon.min.js"></script> <!-- if touch event support is needed (mobile devices) --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.ui.touch-punch.min.js"></script> <!-- PAGINATION plugin --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/jquery.bs_pagination.min.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.bs_pagination.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bs_pagination/localization/en.min.js"></script> <!-- FILTERS plugin --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/jquery.jui_filter_rules.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.jui_filter_rules.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jui_filter_rules/localization/en.js"></script> <!-- required from filters plugin --> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bowser.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/moment.js"></script> <!-- DATAGRID plugin --> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/path/to/jquery.bs_grid.min.css"> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/jquery.bs_grid.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bs_grid/localization/en.min.js"></script>
<!-- Just create a div and give it an ID --> <div id="demo_grid1"></div>
$(function() { $("#demo_grid1").bs_grid({ ajaxFetchDataURL: "ajax_fetch_page_data.php", row_primary_key: "customer_id", columns: [ {field: "customer_id", header: "Code", visible: "no"}, {field: "lastname", header: "Lastname"}, {field: "firstname", header: "Firstname"}, {field: "email", header: "Email", visible: "no", "sortable": "no"}, {field: "gender", header: "Gender"}, {field: "date_updated", header: "Date updated"} ], sorting: [ {sortingName: "Code", field: "customer_id", order: "none"}, {sortingName: "Lastname", field: "lastname", order: "ascending"}, {sortingName: "Firstname", field: "firstname", order: "ascending"}, {sortingName: "Date updated", field: "date_updated", order: "none"} ], filterOptions: { filters: [ { filterName: "Lastname", "filterType": "text", field: "lastname", filterLabel: "Last name", excluded_operators: ["in", "not_in"], filter_interface: [ { filter_element: "input", filter_element_attributes: {"type": "text"} } ] }, { filterName: "Gender", "filterType": "number", "numberType": "integer", field: "lk_genders_id", filterLabel: "Gender", excluded_operators: ["equal", "not_equal", "less", "less_or_equal", "greater", "greater_or_equal"], filter_interface: [ { filter_element: "input", filter_element_attributes: {type: "checkbox"} } ], lookup_values: [ {lk_option: "Male", lk_value: "1"}, {lk_option: "Female", lk_value: "2", lk_selected: "yes"} ] }, { filterName: "DateUpdated", "filterType": "date", field: "date_updated", filterLabel: "Datetime updated", excluded_operators: ["in", "not_in"], filter_interface: [ { filter_element: "input", filter_element_attributes: { type: "text", title: "Set the date and time using format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm:ss" }, filter_widget: "datetimepicker", filter_widget_properties: { dateFormat: "dd/mm/yy", timeFormat: "HH:mm:ss", changeMonth: true, changeYear: true, showSecond: true } } ], validate_dateformat: ["DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss"], filter_value_conversion: { function_name: "local_datetime_to_UTC_timestamp", args: [ {"filter_value": "yes"}, {"value": "DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss"} ] } } ] } }); }); /** * Convert local timezone date string to UTC timestamp * * Alternative syntax using jquery (instead of moment.js): * var date = $.datepicker.parseDateTime(dateformat, timeformat, date_str); * * @see http://stackoverflow.com/questions/948532/how-do-you-convert-a-javascript-date-to-utc * @param {String} date_str * @param {String} dateformat * @return {String} */ function local_datetime_to_UTC_timestamp(date_str, dateformat) { // avoid date overflow in user input (moment("14/14/2005", "DD/MM/YYYY") => Tue Feb 14 2006) if(moment(date_str, dateformat).isValid() == false) { throw new Error("Invalid date"); } // parse date string using given dateformat and create a javascript date object var date = moment(date_str, dateformat).toDate(); // use javascript getUTC* functions to conv ert to UTC return date.getUTCFullYear() + PadDigits(date.getUTCMonth() + 1, 2) + PadDigits(date.getUTCDate(), 2) + PadDigits(date.getUTCHours(), 2) + PadDigits(date.getUTCMinutes(), 2) + PadDigits(date.getUTCSeconds(), 2); } /** * Add leading zeros * @param {Number} n * @param {Number} totalDigits * @return {String} */ function PadDigits(n, totalDigits) { n = n.toString(); var pd = ''; if(totalDigits > n.length) { for(i = 0; i < (totalDigits - n.length); i++) { pd += '0'; } } return pd + n.toString(); }
Create the ajax call, which your grid will use to fetch page data. This must return JSON code, using the following structure
{ "total_rows": "200", "page_data": [ { "id": "111", "lastname": "Diaz", "firstname": "Kai", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "female" }, { "id": "112", "lastname": "Snider", "firstname": "Nelle", "email": "[email protected]", "gender": "female" }, ... ] }
$("#element_id").bs_grid({ pageNum: 1, rowsPerPage: 10, maxRowsPerPage: 100, row_primary_key: "", rowSelectionMode: "single", // "multiple", "single", false /** * MANDATORY PROPERTIES: field * UNIQUE PROPERTIES: field * {field: "customer_id", header: "Code", visible: "no", is_function: "no", "headerClass": "th_code hidden-xs", "dataClass": "td_code hidden-xs"}, */ columns: [ ], /** * MANDATORY PROPERTIES: field, order * UNIQUE PROPERTIES: field * order is one of "ascending", "descending", "none" * {sortingName: "Code", field: "customer_id", order: "none"}, */ sorting: [ ], /** * SEE bs_pagination plugin documentation */ paginationOptions: { containerClass: "well pagination-container", visiblePageLinks: 5, showGoToPage: true, showRowsPerPage: true, showRowsInfo: true, showRowsDefaultInfo: true, disableTextSelectionInNavPane: true }, // "currentPage", "rowsPerPage", "maxRowsPerPage", "totalPages", "totalRows", "bootstrap_version", "onChangePage" will be ignored /** * SEE jui_filter_rules plugin documentation */ filterOptions: { filters: [] }, // "bootstrap_version", "onValidationError" will be ignored useFilters: true, showRowNumbers: false, showSortingIndicator: true, useSortableLists: true, customHTMLelementID1: "", customHTMLelementID2: "", /* STYLES ----------------------------------------------------*/ bootstrap_version: "3", // bs 3 containerClass: "grid_container", noResultsClass: "alert alert-warning no-records-found", toolsClass: "tools", columnsListLaunchButtonClass: "btn btn-default dropdown-toggle", columnsListLaunchButtonIconClass: "glyphicon glyphicon-th", columnsListClass: "dropdown-menu dropdown-menu-right", columnsListLabelClass: "columns-label", columnsListCheckClass: "col-checkbox", columnsListDividerClass: "divider", columnsListDefaultButtonClass: "btn btn-primary btn-xs btn-block", sortingListLaunchButtonIconClass: "glyphicon glyphicon-sort", sortingLabelCheckboxClass: "radio-inline", sortingNameClass: "sorting-name", selectButtonIconClass: "glyphicon glyphicon-check", selectedRowsClass: "selected-rows", filterToggleButtonIconClass: "glyphicon glyphicon-filter", filterToggleActiveClass: "btn-info", sortingIndicatorAscClass: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-up text-muted", sortingIndicatorDescClass: "glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-down text-muted", dataTableContainerClass: "table-responsive", dataTableClass: "table table-bordered table-hover", commonThClass: "th-common", selectedTrClass: "warning", filterContainerClass: "well filters-container", filterToolsClass: "", filterApplyBtnClass: "btn btn-primary btn-sm filters-button", filterResetBtnClass: "btn btn-default btn-sm filters-button", // prefixes tools_id_prefix: "tools_", columns_list_id_prefix: "columns_list_", sorting_list_id_prefix: "sorting_list_", sorting_radio_name_prefix: "sort_radio_", selected_rows_id_prefix: "selected_rows_", selection_list_id_prefix: "selection_list_", filter_toggle_id_prefix: "filter_toggle_", table_container_id_prefix: "tbl_container_", table_id_prefix: "tbl_", no_results_id_prefix: "no_res_", custom_html1_id_prefix: "custom1_", custom_html2_id_prefix: "custom2_", pagination_id_prefix: "pag_", filter_container_id_prefix: "flt_container_", filter_rules_id_prefix: "flt_rules_", filter_tools_id_prefix: "flt_tools_", // misc debug_mode: "no", // events onCellClick: function() { }, onRowClick: function() { }, onDatagridError: function() { }, onDebug: function() { }, onDisplay: function() { } });
var version = $("#element_id").bs_grid('getVersion');
$("#element_id").bs_grid('getOption', 'option_name');
Get selected IDs
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'get_ids');
Clear selected IDs
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'clear_all_ids');
Update selected IDs counter
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'update_counter');
Get row selected index
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'selected_index', row_id);
Add row to selected rows
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'add_id', row_id);
Remove row from selected rows
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'remove_id', row_index_in_selected_ids);
Mark row as selected
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'mark_selected', row_id);
Mark row as deselected
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'mark_deselected', row_id);
Mark page as selected
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'mark_page_selected');
Mark page as deselected
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'mark_page_deselected');
Mark page as inversed
$("#element_id").bs_grid('selectedRows', 'mark_page_inversed');
$("#element_id").bs_grid('setPageColClass', col_index, headerClass, dataClass);
$("#element_id").bs_grid('setPageColClass', col_index, headerClass, dataClass);
$("#element_id").bs_grid('displayGrid', refresh_pagination);
Using this method, you can refresh Grid after an external change.
$("#element_id").bs_grid({ onCellClick: function(event, data) { // your code here e.g. console.log('Click on cell: col ' + data.col + ' row ' + data.row + '.'); } });
data is an object with properties: col and row (the index of the column and row).
$("#element_id").bs_grid({ onRowClick: function(event, data) { // your code here e.g. console.log('Row with ID ' + data.row_id + ' ' + data.row_status + '.'); } });
data is an object with properties: row_id and row_status ('selected', 'deselected').
$("#element_id").bs_grid({ onDatagridError: function(event, data) { alert(data["err_description"] + ' (' + data["err_code"] + ')'); } });
$("#element_id").bs_grid({ onDebug: function(event, data) { // your code here } });
$("#element_id").bs_grid({ onDisplay: function() { // your code here } });