- Overview
- Documents
Autocomplete Table displays the data in a tabular format. When there are many rows of information available, it was difficult to display the relevant data of a row next to each other. This forced to develop a JQuery plugin which can display the relevant information in a table format.
- Display details in n number of columns
- Filter by keyword
- Keyboard navigation
Source: vyasrao.github.io
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="tautocomplete.css" /> <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script> <script src="javascripts/tautocomplete.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
<input type="text" id="Text2" style="width: 200px; font-size:22px;" />
$(document).ready(function () { var text2 = $("#Text2").tautocomplete({ width: "500px", columns: ['Country', 'Code', 'Capital'], data: function () { try{ var data = [{ "id": 1, "country": "Afghanistan", "code": "AFG", "capital": "Kabul" }, { "id": 2, "country": "Albania", "code": "ALB", "capital": "Tirane" }, { "id": 3, "country": "Algeria", "code": "DZA", "capital": "Algiers" }, { "id": 4, "country": "Andorra", "code": "AND", "capital": "Andorra la Vella" }, { "id": 5, "country": "Angola", "code": "AGO", "capital": "Luanda" }, { "id": 6, "country": "Antigua and Barbuda", "code": "ATG", "capital": "Saint John" }, { "id": 7, "country": "Argentina", "code": "ARG", "capital": "Buenos Aires" }, { "id": 8, "country": "Armenia", "code": "ARM", "capital": "Yerevan" }, { "id": 9, "country": "Australia", "code": "AUS", "capital": "Canberra" }, { "id": 10, "country": "Austria", "code": "AUT", "capital": "Vienna" }, { "id": 11, "country": "Azerbaijan", "code": "AZE", "capital": "Baku" }, { "id": 12, "country": "The Bahamas", "code": "THA", "capital": "Nassau" }, { "id": 13, "country": "Bahrain", "code": "BHR", "capital": "Manama" }, { "id": 14, "country": "Bangladesh", "code": "BGD", "capital": "Dhaka" }, { "id": 15, "country": "Barbados", "code": "BRB", "capital": "Bridgetown" }, { "id": 16, "country": "Belarus", "code": "BLR", "capital": "Minsk" }, { "id": 17, "country": "Belgium", "code": "BEL", "capital": "Brussels" }, { "id": 18, "country": "Belize", "code": "BLZ", "capital": "Belmopan" }, { "id": 19, "country": "Benin", "code": "BEN", "capital": "Porto-Novo" }, { "id": 20, "country": "Bhutan", "code": "BTN", "capital": "Thimphu" }, { "id": 21, "country": "Bolivia", "code": "BOL", "capital": "Sucre" }, { "id": 22, "country": "Bosnia and Herzegovina", "code": "BOL", "capital": "Sarajevo" }, { "id": 23, "country": "Botswana", "code": "BWA", "capital": "Gaborone" }, { "id": 24, "country": "Brazil", "code": "BRA", "capital": "Brasilia" }, { "id": 25, "country": "Brunei", "code": "IOT", "capital": "Bandar Seri Begawan" }, { "id": 26, "country": "Bulgaria", "code": "BGR", "capital": "Sofia" }, { "id": 27, "country": "Burkina Faso", "code": "BFA", "capital": "Ouagadougou" }, { "id": 28, "country": "Burundi", "code": "BDI", "capital": "Bujumbura" }, { "id": 29, "country": "Cambodia", "code": "KHM", "capital": "Phnom Penh" }, { "id": 30, "country": "Cameroon", "code": "CMR", "capital": "Yaounde" }, { "id": 31, "country": "Canada", "code": "CAN", "capital": "Ottawa" }, { "id": 32, "country": "Cape Verde", "code": "CPV", "capital": "Praia" }, { "id": 33, "country": "Central African Republic", "code": "CAF", "capital": "Bangui" }, { "id": 34, "country": "Chad", "code": "TCD", "capital": "NDjamena" }, { "id": 35, "country": "Chile", "code": "CHL", "capital": "Santiago" }, { "id": 36, "country": "China", "code": "CHN", "capital": "Beijing" }, { "id": 37, "country": "Colombia", "code": "COL", "capital": "Bogota" }, { "id": 38, "country": "Comoros", "code": "COM", "capital": "Moroni" }, { "id": 39, "country": "Congo, Republic of the", "code": "COG", "capital": "Brazzaville" }, { "id": 40, "country": "Congo, Democratic Republic of the", "code": "COG", "capital": "Kinshasa" }, { "id": 41, "country": "Costa Rica", "code": "CRI", "capital": "San Jose" }, { "id": 42, "country": "Cote d?Ivoire", "code": "CRI", "capital": "Yamoussoukro" }, { "id": 43, "country": "Croatia", "code": "CIV", "capital": "Zagreb" }, { "id": 44, "country": "Cuba", "code": "CUB", "capital": "Havana" }, { "id": 45, "country": "Cyprus", "code": "CYP", "capital": "Nicosia" }, { "id": 46, "country": "Czech Republic", "code": "CZE", "capital": "Prague" }, { "id": 47, "country": "Denmark", "code": "DNK", "capital": "Copenhagen" }, { "id": 48, "country": "Djibouti", "code": "DJI", "capital": "Djibouti" }, { "id": 49, "country": "Dominica", "code": "DMA", "capital": "Roseau" }, { "id": 50, "country": "Dominican Republic", "code": "DOM", "capital": "Santo Domingo" }, { "id": 51, "country": "East Timor(Timor-Leste)", "code": "TMP", "capital": "Dili" }, { "id": 52, "country": "Ecuador", "code": "ECU", "capital": "Quito" }, { "id": 53, "country": "Egypt", "code": "EGY", "capital": "Cairo" }, { "id": 54, "country": "El Salvador", "code": "SLV", "capital": "San Salvador" }, { "id": 55, "country": "EquatorialGuinea", "code": "GNQ", "capital": "Malabo" }, { "id": 56, "country": "Eritrea", "code": "ERI", "capital": "Asmara" }, { "id": 57, "country": "Estonia", "code": "EST", "capital": "Tallinn" }, { "id": 58, "country": "Ethiopia", "code": "ETH", "capital": "Addis Ababa" }, { "id": 59, "country": "Fiji", "code": "FJI", "capital": "Suva" }, { "id": 60, "country": "Finland", "code": "FIN", "capital": "Helsinki" }, { "id": 61, "country": "France", "code": "FRA", "capital": "Paris" }, { "id": 62, "country": "Gabon", "code": "GAB", "capital": "Libreville" }, { "id": 63, "country": "TheGambia", "code": "THA", "capital": "Banjul" }, { "id": 64, "country": "Georgia", "code": "GEO", "capital": "Tbilisi" }, { "id": 65, "country": "Germany", "code": "DEU", "capital": "Berlin" }, { "id": 66, "country": "Ghana", "code": "GHA", "capital": "Accra" }, { "id": 67, "country": "Greece", "code": "GRC", "capital": "Athens" }, { "id": 68, "country": "Grenada", "code": "GRD", "capital": "Saint George" }, { "id": 69, "country": "Guatemala", "code": "GTM", "capital": "Guatemala City" }, { "id": 70, "country": "Guinea", "code": "GIN", "capital": "Conakry" }, { "id": 71, "country": "Guinea-Bissau", "code": "GNB", "capital": "Bissau" }, { "id": 72, "country": "Guyana", "code": "GUY", "capital": "Georgetown" }, { "id": 73, "country": "Haiti", "code": "HTI", "capital": "Port-au-Prince" }, { "id": 74, "country": "Honduras", "code": "HND", "capital": "Tegucigalpa" }, { "id": 75, "country": "Hungary", "code": "HUN", "capital": "Budapest" }, { "id": 76, "country": "Iceland", "code": "ISL", "capital": "Reykjavik" }, { "id": 77, "country": "India", "code": "IND", "capital": "New Delhi" }, { "id": 78, "country": "Indonesia", "code": "IDN", "capital": "Jakarta" }, { "id": 79, "country": "Iran", "code": "IDN", "capital": "Tehran" }, { "id": 80, "country": "Iraq", "code": "IRQ", "capital": "Baghdad" }, { "id": 81, "country": "Ireland", "code": "IRL", "capital": "Dublin" }, { "id": 82, "country": "Israel", "code": "ISR", "capital": "Jerusalem" }, { "id": 83, "country": "Italy", "code": "ITA", "capital": "Rome" }, { "id": 84, "country": "Jamaica", "code": "JAM", "capital": "Kingston" }, { "id": 85, "country": "Japan", "code": "JPN", "capital": "Tokyo" }, { "id": 86, "country": "Jordan", "code": "JOR", "capital": "Amman" }, { "id": 87, "country": "Kazakhstan", "code": "KAZ", "capital": "Astana" }, { "id": 88, "country": "Kenya", "code": "KEN", "capital": "Nairobi" }, { "id": 89, "country": "Kiribati", "code": "KIR", "capital": "Tarawa Atoll" }, { "id": 90, "country": "Korea, North", "code": "PRK", "capital": "Pyongyang" }, { "id": 91, "country": "Korea, South", "code": "KOR", "capital": "Seoul" }, { "id": 92, "country": "Kosovo", "code": "KOR", "capital": "Pristina" }, { "id": 93, "country": "Kuwait", "code": "KWT", "capital": "Kuwait City" }, { "id": 94, "country": "Kyrgyzstan", "code": "KGZ", "capital": "Bishkek" }, { "id": 95, "country": "Laos", "code": "KGZ", "capital": "Vientiane" }, { "id": 96, "country": "Latvia", "code": "LVA", "capital": "Riga" }, { "id": 97, "country": "Lebanon", "code": "LBN", "capital": "Beirut" }, { "id": 98, "country": "Lesotho", "code": "LSO", "capital": "Maseru" }, { "id": 99, "country": "Liberia", "code": "LBR", "capital": "Monrovia" }, { "id": 100, "country": "Libya", "code": "LBR", "capital": "Tripoli" }, { "id": 101, "country": "Liechtenstein", "code": "LIE", "capital": "Vaduz" }, { "id": 102, "country": "Lithuania", "code": "LTU", "capital": "Vilnius" }, { "id": 103, "country": "Luxembourg", "code": "LUX", "capital": "Luxembourg" }, { "id": 104, "country": "Macedonia", "code": "MKD", "capital": "Skopje" }, { "id": 105, "country": "Madagascar", "code": "MDG", "capital": "Antananarivo" }, { "id": 106, "country": "Malawi", "code": "MWI", "capital": "Lilongwe" }, { "id": 107, "country": "Malaysia", "code": "MYS", "capital": "Kuala Lumpur" }, { "id": 108, "country": "Maldives", "code": "MDV", "capital": "Male" }, { "id": 109, "country": "Mali", "code": "MLI", "capital": "Bamako" }, { "id": 110, "country": "Malta", "code": "MLT", "capital": "Valletta" }, { "id": 111, "country": "Marshall Islands", "code": "MHL", "capital": "Majuro" }, { "id": 112, "country": "Mauritania", "code": "MRT", "capital": "Nouakchott" }, { "id": 113, "country": "Mauritius", "code": "MUS", "capital": "Port Louis" }, { "id": 114, "country": "Mexico", "code": "MEX", "capital": "Mexico City" }, { "id": 115, "country": "Micronesia, FederatedStatesof", "code": "FSM", "capital": "Palikir" }, { "id": 116, "country": "Moldova", "code": "FSM", "capital": "Chisinau" }, { "id": 117, "country": "Monaco", "code": "MCO", "capital": "Monaco" }, { "id": 118, "country": "Mongolia", "code": "MNG", "capital": "Ulaanbaatar" }, { "id": 119, "country": "Montenegro", "code": "MNE", "capital": "Podgorica" }, { "id": 120, "country": "Morocco", "code": "MAR", "capital": "Rabat" }, { "id": 121, "country": "Mozambique", "code": "MOZ", "capital": "Maputo" }, { "id": 122, "country": "Myanmar(Burma)", "code": "MMR", "capital": "Naypyidaw" }, { "id": 123, "country": "Namibia", "code": "NAM", "capital": "Windhoek" }, { "id": 124, "country": "Nauru", "code": "NRU", "capital": "Yaren" }, { "id": 125, "country": "Nepal", "code": "NPL", "capital": "Kathmandu" }, { "id": 126, "country": "Netherlands(Holland)", "code": "ANT", "capital": "Amsterdam" }, { "id": 127, "country": "New Zealand", "code": "NZL", "capital": "Wellington" }, { "id": 128, "country": "Nicaragua", "code": "NIC", "capital": "Managua" }, { "id": 129, "country": "Niger", "code": "NER", "capital": "Niamey" }, { "id": 130, "country": "Nigeria", "code": "NGA", "capital": "Abuja" }, { "id": 131, "country": "Norway", "code": "NOR", "capital": "Oslo" }, { "id": 132, "country": "Oman", "code": "OMN", "capital": "Muscat" }, { "id": 133, "country": "Pakistan", "code": "PAK", "capital": "Islamabad" }, { "id": 134, "country": "Palau", "code": "PLW", "capital": "Melekeok" }, { "id": 135, "country": "Panama", "code": "PAN", "capital": "Panama City" }, { "id": 136, "country": "Papua New Guinea", "code": "PNG", "capital": "Port Moresby" }, { "id": 137, "country": "Paraguay", "code": "PRY", "capital": "Asuncion" }, { "id": 138, "country": "Peru", "code": "PER", "capital": "Lima" }, { "id": 139, "country": "Philippines", "code": "PHL", "capital": "Manila" }, { "id": 140, "country": "Poland", "code": "POL", "capital": "Warsaw" }, { "id": 141, "country": "Portugal", "code": "PRT", "capital": "Lisbon" }, { "id": 142, "country": "Qatar", "code": "QAT", "capital": "Doha" }, { "id": 143, "country": "Romania", "code": "ROM", "capital": "Bucharest" }, { "id": 144, "country": "Russia", "code": "ROM", "capital": "Moscow" }, { "id": 145, "country": "Rwanda", "code": "RWA", "capital": "Kigali" }, { "id": 146, "country": "Saint Kitts and Nevis", "code": "KNA", "capital": "Basseterre" }, { "id": 147, "country": "Saint Lucia", "code": "LCA", "capital": "Castries" }, { "id": 148, "country": "Saint Vincent and the Grenadines", "code": "VCT", "capital": "Kingstown" }, { "id": 149, "country": "Samoa", "code": "WSM", "capital": "Apia" }, { "id": 150, "country": "San Marino", "code": "SMR", "capital": "San Marino" }, { "id": 151, "country": "Sao Tome and Principe", "code": "STP", "capital": "Sao Tome" }, { "id": 152, "country": "Saudi Arabia", "code": "SAU", "capital": "Riyadh" }, { "id": 153, "country": "Senegal", "code": "SEN", "capital": "Dakar" }, { "id": 154, "country": "Serbia", "code": "SRB", "capital": "Belgrade" }, { "id": 155, "country": "Seychelles", "code": "SYC", "capital": "Victoria" }, { "id": 156, "country": "Sierra Leone", "code": "SLE", "capital": "Freetown" }, { "id": 157, "country": "Singapore", "code": "SGP", "capital": "Singapore" }, { "id": 158, "country": "Slovakia", "code": "SGP", "capital": "Bratislava" }, { "id": 159, "country": "Slovenia", "code": "SVN", "capital": "Ljubljana" }, { "id": 160, "country": "Solomon Islands", "code": "SLB", "capital": "Honiara" }, { "id": 161, "country": "Somalia", "code": "SOM", "capital": "Mogadishu" }, { "id": 162, "country": "South Africa", "code": "ZAF", "capital": "Cape Town" }, { "id": 163, "country": "SouthSudan", "code": "SSD", "capital": "Juba" }, { "id": 164, "country": "Spain", "code": "ESP", "capital": "Madrid" }, { "id": 165, "country": "Sri Lanka", "code": "LKA", "capital": "Colombo" }, { "id": 166, "country": "Sudan", "code": "SDN", "capital": "Khartoum" }, { "id": 167, "country": "Suriname", "code": "SUR", "capital": "Paramaribo" }, { "id": 168, "country": "Swaziland", "code": "SWZ", "capital": "Lobamba" }, { "id": 169, "country": "Sweden", "code": "SWE", "capital": "Stockholm" }, { "id": 170, "country": "Switzerland", "code": "CHE", "capital": "Bern" }, { "id": 171, "country": "Syria", "code": "CHE", "capital": "Damascus" }, { "id": 172, "country": "Taiwan", "code": "SYR", "capital": "Taipei" }, { "id": 173, "country": "Tajikistan", "code": "TJK", "capital": "Dushanbe" }, { "id": 174, "country": "Tanzania", "code": "TJK", "capital": "Dar es Salaam" }, { "id": 175, "country": "Thailand", "code": "THA", "capital": "Bangkok" }, { "id": 176, "country": "Togo", "code": "TGO", "capital": "Lome" }, { "id": 177, "country": "Tonga", "code": "TON", "capital": "Nukualofa" }, { "id": 178, "country": "Trinidad and Tobago", "code": "TTO", "capital": "Port-of-Spain" }, { "id": 179, "country": "Tunisia", "code": "TUN", "capital": "Tunis" }, { "id": 180, "country": "Turkey", "code": "TUR", "capital": "Ankara" }, { "id": 181, "country": "Turkmenistan", "code": "TKM", "capital": "Ashgabat" }, { "id": 182, "country": "Tuvalu", "code": "TUV", "capital": "Funafuti province" }, { "id": 183, "country": "Uganda", "code": "UGA", "capital": "Kampala" }, { "id": 184, "country": "Ukraine", "code": "UKR", "capital": "Kyiv" }, { "id": 185, "country": "United Arab Emirates", "code": "ARE", "capital": "Abu Dhabi" }, { "id": 186, "country": "United Kingdom", "code": "GBR", "capital": "London" }, { "id": 187, "country": "United States of America", "code": "USA", "capital": "Washington D.C." }, { "id": 188, "country": "Uruguay", "code": "URY", "capital": "Montevideo" }, { "id": 189, "country": "Uzbekistan", "code": "UZB", "capital": "Tashkent" }, { "id": 190, "country": "Vanuatu", "code": "VUT", "capital": "Port-Vila" }, { "id": 191, "country": "VaticanCity (Holy See)", "code": "VUT", "capital": "Vatican City" }, { "id": 192, "country": "Venezuela", "code": "VEN", "capital": "Caracas" }, { "id": 193, "country": "Vietnam", "code": "VNM", "capital": "Hanoi" }, { "id": 194, "country": "Yemen", "code": "YEM", "capital": "Sanaa" }, { "id": 195, "country": "Zambia", "code": "ZMB", "capital": "Lusaka" }, { "id": 196, "country": "Zimbabwe", "code": "ZMB", "capital": "Harare" }]; } catch(e) { alert(e) } var filterData = []; var searchData = eval("/" + text2.searchdata() + "/gi"); $.each(data, function(i,v) { if (v.country.search(new RegExp(searchData)) != -1) { filterData.push(v); } }); return filterData; }, callback: function () { $("#ta-txt").html(text2.text()); $("#ta-id").html(text2.id()); } }); });
The plugin has following parameters,
width: 500px
columns: The first column is always the ID. This should not be mentioned in the parameter
columns: ['Country', 'Code', 'Capital']
placeholder: The default text displayed whenever no choice has been selected
placeholder: "Search Country"
norecord: Message to be displayed when no records found, example:
norecord: "No Records Found"
regex: Allowed inputs in the textbox can be mentioned using Regex, default i:
regex: "^[a-zA-Z0-9\b]+$"
onchange: Called whenever the user selects an option in the list, example:
onchange: function () {alert("Selected ID is : myData.id()); }
data: A callback function which passes the information to be displayed in the autocomplete table. In the below example, the textbox is used to search the countries. The function filters the data and passes the relevant information to be shown in the autocomplete-table.
data: function () { var data = [{ "id": 1, "country": "Afghanistan", "code": "AFG", "capital": "Kabul" }, { "id": 2, "country": "Albania", "code": "ALB", "capital": "Tirane" }, { "id": 3, "country": "Algeria", "code": "DZA", "capital": "Algiers" } ]; var filterData = []; var searchData = eval("/" + myData2.searchdata() + "/gi"); $.each(data, function (i, v) { if (v.country.search(new RegExp(searchData)) != -1) { filterData.push(v); } }); return filterData; }
id: returns the ID of the selected row
text: returns the TEXT of the selected row
searchdata: returns the filter text
isNull: returns true if selection is empty