FailSafe - make your App Robust

FailSafe is a jQuery plugin to help your application work correct even in peril situations. In other words, it takes care of situations like Lost Internet Connectivity and Low Battery Level.

FailSafe - make your App Robust
Snap.svg - The JavaScript SVG library

Snap.svg - The JavaScript SVG library

SVG is an excellent way to create interactive, resolution-independent vector graphics that will look great on any size screen. And the Snap.svg JavaScript library makes working with your SVG assets as easy as jQuery makes working with the DOM. ...

CLNDR.js - A jQuery Calendar Plugin

CLNDR.js - A jQuery Calendar Plugin

CLNDR is a jQuery plugin for creating calendars. Unlike most calendar plugins, this one doesn't generate markup. Instead you provide an Underscore.js HTML template and in return CLNDR gives you a wealth of data to use within it. ...



Textillate.js combines some awesome libraries to provide a ease-to-use plugin for applying CSS3 animations to any text ...

Succinct - Truncating multiple lines of text.

Succinct - Truncating multiple lines of text.

Succint is a minimal jQuery plugin that can truncate multiple lines of text. It shortens your text to a given size, and then adds an ellipsis to its end. ...

Lightbox_me - the programmer's lightbox tool

Lightbox_me - the programmer's lightbox tool

Lightbox_me is a jQuery plugin and requires jQuery to be included in order to work.Include both jQuery and the lightbox_me JavaScript file before calling the plugin in your JavaScript. ...

Bootbox.js : jQuery flexible dialogs

Bootbox.js : jQuery flexible dialogs

Bootbox.js is a small jQuery library which allows you to create programmatic dialog boxes using Twitter’s Bootstrap modals, without having to worry about creating, managing or removing any of the required DOM elements or JS event handlers. ...

zerobox : jQuery Lightweight, animated lightbox plugin

zerobox : jQuery Lightweight, animated lightbox plugin

Lightweight, animated lightbox plugin for jQuery JavaScript library.Getting zerobox up and running is easy. The plugin only requires that include its source on your pages and give its method a link it will use to invoke the lightbox. ...

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