- Overview
- Documents
Boostrap Form Builder is a small plugin which creates bootstrap forms by processing user defined JSON elements.
Source: benjamincripps.com
<link rel="stylesheet" href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css"> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.11.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src='../jquery.bootstrapFormBuilder.js'></script>
<div id="complexForm"></div>
$('#complexForm').bootstrapForm({ align: 'block', formInputs: [ {type: 'text', attr: { placeholder: 'benjamin', validationState: 'success', helpblock: 'enter your first name', id: 'firstName', name: 'inputforName', label: 'First Name' } }, {type: 'text', attr: { placeholder: 'cripps', validationState: 'success', helpblock: 'please enter first name', name: 'lastName', label: 'Last Name' } }, {type: 'radio', attr: { label: 'select your favorite food.', radios: [ { id: 'id1', name: 'radios', label: 'pizza' }, { id: 'id1', name: 'radios', label: 'tacos' }, { id: 'id1', name: 'radios', label: 'wings' } ]} }, {type: 'select', attr: { helpblock: 'I bet your favorite isn\'t listed.', label: 'What is your favorite band?', options: [ {value: 'value1', text: 'The Wonder Years' }, {value: 'value2', text: 'Polar Bear Club' }, {value: 'value3', text: 'Frank Turner' } ] } } ], buttons: [ { size: 'lg', validationState: 'success', id: 'submit', text: 'Submit Form', onSubmit: function(values) { console.log(values) } }, { size: 'lg', validationState: 'danger', id: 'erase', text: 'Erase Form', onSubmit: function(values) { alert('hi') } } ] });
Create a Form
To create a form, simply create an empty div with an ID. The form will be created and nested within that div. A functioning link rel tag pointing to a valid Bootstrap .css file is necessary for styling.
Javascript: $('#someID').bootstrapForm({ options }) HTML: <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css">
Text Inputs
The accepted text inputs are:
- text
- password
- datetime
- datetime-local
- date
- month
- time
- week
- number
- url
- search
- tel
- color
$('#someID').bootstrapForm({ formInputs: [ {type: 'text', attr: { - required (string) placeholder: 'placeholder', - optional ( string ) validationState: 'success', - optional (string) ( success | warning | danger ) helpblock: 'enter your first name', - optional ( string ) id: 'firstName', - *optional ( string, a random value will be assigned if undefined ) name: 'inputforName', - *optional ( string, a random value will be assigned if undefined ) label: 'First Name' } - optional ( string ) } ] });
Selects / Multiselects
Selects and Multiselects are created using the same syntax.
$('#someID').bootstrapForm({ formInputs: [ {type: 'select', - required (string) ( select | multiple ) attr: { name: 'SelectName', - *optional ( string, a random value will be assigned if undefined ) id: 'SelectID', *optional ( string, a random value will be assigned if undefined ) helpblock: 'I bet your favorite isn\'t listed.', - optional ( string ) label: 'What is your favorite band?', - optional ( string ) options: [ - required ( string ) {value: 'value1', text: 'The Wonder Years' }, - ( object ) { value: "", text: "" } {value: 'value2', text: 'Polar Bear Club' }, {value: 'value3', text: 'Frank Turner' } ] } } ] });
Radio Buttons
Radio buttons are generated in groups, as an array of objects. If a name is not defined, a random value will be assigned to each radio button in the group.
$('#someID').bootstrapForm({ formInputs: [ {type: 'radio', - required (string) attr: { helpblock: 'what is your favorite food?', - optional (string) label: 'maybe a label?', - optional (string) radios: [ { id: 'id1', name: 'radios', label: 'pizza' }, - ( object ) { id: "", name: "", label: "" } { id: 'id1', name: 'radios', label: 'tacos' }, { id: 'id1', name: 'radios', label: 'wings' } ] } } ] });
Checkboxes work exactly like radio buttons except they random names assigned will not be identical because they are independent nodes.
$('#someID').bootstrapForm({ formInputs: [ {type: 'checkbox', - required (string) attr: { helpblock: 'helpblocks are optional.', - optional (string) label: 'labels?', - optional (string) checkboxes: [ { id: 'check1', name: 'checkboxEx', label: 'Choice' }, - ( object ) { id: "", name: "", label: "" } { id: 'check2', name: 'checkboxEx', label: 'Choice' }, { id: 'check3', name: 'checkboxEx', label: 'Choice' } ] } } ] });
Nothing funny about a file. Pretty standard.
$('#someID').bootstrapForm({ formInputs: [ {type: 'file', - required (string) attr: { placeholder: 'this is file upload', - optional (string) name: 'fileuploader', - *optional ( string, a random value will be assigned if undefined ) id: 'fileId', - *optional ( string, a random value will be assigned if undefined ) helpblock: 'help!', - optional (string) label: 'please upload' - optional (string) } } ] });
Textareas work the same way as other inputs except they also accept a 'rows' parameter which will define the height of the input.
$('#someID').bootstrapForm({ formInputs: [ {type: 'textarea', - required (string) attr: { placeholder: 'text here', - optional (string) rows: '3', - *optional ( string, a random value will be assigned if undefined ) name: 'textArea1', - *optional ( string, a random value will be assigned if undefined ) id: 'textArea1', - optional (string) helpblock: 'some text goes here', - optional (string) label: 'textLabel' - optional (string) } } ] });
Buttons are defined in a separate array from text inputs. Users can define a custom callback function using 'onsubmit'. The single argument available for this function is the form values serialized into an array (using the jQuery .serialize() function).
$('#someID').bootstrapForm({ formInputs: [], buttons: [ { size: 'sm', optional (string) ( sm | md | lg ) default: lg validationState: 'success', - optional (string) ( success | warning | danger ) id: 'submit', - *optional ( string, an ID must be defined to use the onSubmit function ) text: 'Submit Form', - optional (string) default: submit onSubmit: function(values) { console.log(values) } - optional (function) arg: values } ] });