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User Rating: 4.8/5 ( 2 votes)
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✓ Support All Modern Browsers And IE7 Or Above
✓ Responsive
✓ No Need CSS
✓ Class Prefix To Prevent Conflict With Classes From Other CSS Files
✓ Full Style Control With JS
✓ Full Navigation Control
✓ Full Control Of The Position Of All Elements
✓ Support Images With Different Dimensions
✓ Automatic Resizing And Centering Of Images
✓ Multiple Instances
✓ Titles And Descriptions
✓ Keys Press Listening (← And →)
✓ Mouse Wheel Listening
✓ External Functions (Go To Previous, Go To Next, Go To)
✓ 24 Transition Effects
And More And More...
<script type="text/javascript" src="JS/jQuery.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/jQueryEasing.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/jQueryMouseWheel.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="JS/ArtDesignSlider.js"></script>
<div id="ArtDesignSlider"> <ul> <li data-slider-title="Title 1" data-slider-description="Description 1"> <img src="Slider/1.jpg"/> </li> <li data-slider-title="Title 2" data-slider-description="Description 2"> <img src="Slider/2.jpg"/> </li> <li data-slider-title="Title 3" data-slider-description="Description 3"> <img src="Slider/3.jpg"/> </li> <li data-slider-title="Title 4" data-slider-description="Description 4"> <img src="Slider/4.jpg"/> </li> <li data-slider-title="Title 5" data-slider-description="Description 5"> <img src="Slider/5.jpg"/> </li> <li data-slider-title="Title 6" data-slider-description="Description 6"> <img src="Slider/6.jpg"/> </li> <li data-slider-title="Title 7" data-slider-description="Description 7"> <img src="Slider/7.jpg"/> </li> </ul> </div>
$(document).ready(function() { $("#ArtDesignSlider").ArtDesignSlider(); });
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