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Tag Archives: table

jquery-mobile-960 is a port of 960 grid to jquery mobile

jquery-mobile-960 is a port of 960 grid to jquery mobile

jquery-mobile-960 is a port of 960 grid to jquery mobile. It merge the flexibility of 960.gs, and the ease of jquery mobile. It aims to bring more flexibility to jquery-mobile layout and thus make it easier to use on tablets. ...

TableBarChart plugin

TableBarChart plugin

TableBarChart plugin - A very simple jQuery plugin to render bar chart from existing HTML tables. ...

Tablesorter - Flexible client-side table sorting

Tablesorter - Flexible client-side table sorting

Tablesorter is a jQuery plugin for turning a standard HTML table with THEAD and TBODY tags into a sortable table without page refreshes. tablesorter can successfully parse and sort many types of data including linked data in a cell. ...



Handsontable is a minimalistic approach to Excel-like table editor in HTML & jQuery ...

jqGrid – jQuery Grid Plugin

jqGrid – jQuery Grid Plugin

jqGrid is an Ajax-enabled JavaScript control that provides solutions for representing and manipulating tabular data on the web. Since the grid is a client-side solution loading data dynamically through Ajax callbacks ...

floatThead - table header plugin

floatThead - table header plugin

floatThead is a floating/locked/sticky table header plugin that requires no special CSS and supports window and overflow scrolling. ...

Sheetrock  - display from Google Spreadsheets

Sheetrock - display from Google Spreadsheets

Sheetrock is a jQuery plugin for querying, retrieving, and displaying data from Google Spreadsheets. Use it to load entire sheets or leverage SQL-like queries to treat Google Spreadsheets as a quick-and-dirty JSON datastore ...

DTable – Data Table

DTable – Data Table

DTable is a data table plugin for jQuery. The plugin is highly customizable, It uses html template to generate the table and the whole plugin module based, so you can add new features easily. ...



jQuery based plugin for making any list of items selectable by mouse and keyboard. It could be usefull in webapp where are different widgets like menus, dropdowns with keyboard input, lists with multiple selection and so on ...

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