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Tag Archives: lightbox

jQuery Responsive Bootstrap Modal

jQuery Responsive Bootstrap Modal

Extends the default Bootstrap Modal class. Responsive, stackable, ajax and more.Extends Bootstrap’s native modals to provide additional functionality. ...

Chardin.js - Simple overlay instructions

Chardin.js - Simple overlay instructions

Chardin.js is a jQuery plugin that creates a simple overlay to display instructions on existent elements. It is inspired by the recent Gmail new composer tour which I loved. ...

Lightbox_me - the programmer's lightbox tool

Lightbox_me - the programmer's lightbox tool

Lightbox_me is a jQuery plugin and requires jQuery to be included in order to work.Include both jQuery and the lightbox_me JavaScript file before calling the plugin in your JavaScript. ...

zerobox : jQuery Lightweight, animated lightbox plugin

zerobox : jQuery Lightweight, animated lightbox plugin

Lightweight, animated lightbox plugin for jQuery JavaScript library.Getting zerobox up and running is easy. The plugin only requires that include its source on your pages and give its method a link it will use to invoke the lightbox. ...

Moa Modal - Flexible jQuery modal plugin

Moa Modal - Flexible jQuery modal plugin

Moa Modal - Flexible jQuery modal plugin with custom animation, custom positioning, customize your modal the way you like and no predefined style sheet! ...

carouFredSel -  powerful and flexible way to add carousels

carouFredSel - powerful and flexible way to add carousels

carouFredSel is quite simply the most powerful and flexible way to add carousels to your website. Both the jQuery and WordPress plugins are used on thousands of sites to make their content stand out. ...

Bootstrap Lightbox with jQuery

Bootstrap Lightbox with jQuery

A simple lightbox plugin based on the bootstrap modal plugin. This is a plugin for Twitter Bootstrap that adds a lightbox that is based off the modal dialog. ...

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