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Javascript Tooltip

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Javascript Tooltip is a box that appears following a client event, such as onmouseover, onclick, onfocus, etc. Only one tooltip instance can be opened at a time.


  • Content Source

    Tooltip content can be held in script, borrowed from an HTML element on the page, or obtained from external files or pages via Ajax.

  • HTML Content

    Tooltip content can include images, any rich HTML, and even server controls(such as ASP.NET TextBox).


  • Various Positioning

    Top, right, bottom, or left of an element(or the mouse), or in the center, bottom-right corner, or top-left of the screen.
    The positioning can be set either globally or individually.

  • Mobile devices

    On iOS(iPad, iPhone, iPod), Android, BlackBerry or IEMobile devices, the tooltip popup will automatically show a close button at the tooltip's top-right corner so that it can be closed.


  • Open

    The tooltip can be opened respond to any element event, such as onmouseover, onfocus, onclick, or be opened programmatically.

  • Close

    The tooltip can be closed byonmouseout(default), or by click the close button (or optionally other screen area) when the tooltip is set to be "sticky", or be closed programmatically.


  • Fully Customizable Styles

    Every style of the tooltip is completely configurable, such as background color, border width, border color and callout size.

  • Supported Browsers cross browsers

    Tooltip is supported by all major browsers, mobile devices, and touch-screens:
    IE 6.0+, Firefox 1.5+, Chrome 0.2+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.1+, Netscape 7.2+, and hand-held devices such as iPad, iPhone, android...

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