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Sliding views (incoming views that “push” old ones off-screen) have become so commonplace in mobile design we tend to take them for granted. They’re useful because they allow content to be broken into bite-sized chunks while maintaining hierarchy through the use of spacial animation. They look pretty neat, too.

There are a lot of existing JavaScript solutions for this sort of thing, but most are built for hybrid mobile apps with a lot of complexity and stringent markup requirements… understandably so given the goals of those projects! Others seem catered to carousels over body content. We needed something web-focused and super simple, with the ability to activate/deactivate for responsive layouts.


What it does

Sliding views let you present content in distinct, bite-sized chunks while maintaining hierarchy through the use of spacial animation. They look neat, too.

There are many wonderful JavaScript frameworks out there that pull this off beautifully... but they can get kind of complicated. When your needs are simple or responsive,SimpleSlideView may do the trick.


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