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jQuery Latitude and Longitude Picker for Google Maps

jQuery Latitude and Longitude Picker for Google Maps

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A jQuery Latitude and Longitude plugin to pick a location using Google Maps.
Supports multiple maps. Works on touchscreen. Easy to customize markup and CSS.


Basic functions

  • Move the marker on the map to receive the updated latitude, longitude and zoom values in the hidden fields
  • "location_changed" event will be fired, with the gllLatlonPicker Node JS object as attribute for easy access

Map with location search field:

  • If the search has results, the first element will appear on the map (with the default zoom value 11)
  • You can set default latitude, longitude and zoom values in the hidden fields
  • Use any custom id you want

Map with reverse lookup:

  • WHen the position changes the location's name will be returned
  • The "location_changed" event will also be fired with the gllLatlonPicker Node JS object as attribute
  • To disable this, you can set queryLocationNameWhenLatLngChanges param to false

Adjust latitude, longitude and zoom fields on the fly:

  • Set any default latitude, longitude and zoom values. The map shows your data after pressing the update button.
  • Any fields can be hidden or visible fields to ease user input

Source: wimagguc.com

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